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Game details
Aces of the Pacific: 1946! - Dynamix (1992) Tested By: Lucasfr
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.72 (supported)
path (2020-10-14 21:50)
Just move the game files into c:dynamixaces
Then run the patcher, it will work.
path (2020-10-14 21:49)
Just move the game files into c:dynamicaces
Then run the patcher, it will work.
Note: (2008-07-12 07:52)
In order to install this Add-on under DosBox, simply modify INSTALL.BAT : replace the following line
if not exist %1nul goto badpath
if not exist goto badpath
In DosBox, the "nul" test does not work, that's why you've to change the batch.