Latest version: 0.74-3

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Game details
Command & Conquer - Westwood Studios (1995)
Tested By: Striker

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.74-3 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.71 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.65 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
94% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.63 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
99% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.62 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
80% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.61 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
98% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.60 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
0% supported
  DOSBox version: 0.58 (broken)

v 0.74-2-3 works using RPi OS Buster (linux) 2nd ver (2021-03-04 06:13) dirtyrotten
Mar 4 2021
RPi 4B 8GB
Dosbox 0.74-2-3

C&C downloaded fr

unlike the version below, this is a full cd installation, with videos and all. the version below from a cz site is a small playable file without videos.

Upon running Dosbox, i run the imgmount as ff:

imgmount -t d DOSCNC_GDI.iso

which creates an CD-ROM drive like d:.
run setup, then when done configure the soundcard as
soundblaster 16/32

v 0.74-2-3 works using RPi OS Buster (linux) (2021-03-03 22:42) dirtyrotten
RPi 4B 8Gb, Mar 4 2021
C&C ver 1.1.22P (dl'd from ..i forgot)

FAILED using imgmount d xx.img -size...

DOSBOX mounts ok, is writeable, but fails to run with this err:

DOS/4GW Pro Protected Mode v1.97
err 2504:cant create swap file '.'
fatal err:1011. VMM init err

solution is to mount .img thru OS instead of Dosbox.

I mount xx.img file thru host os using
$sudo mount -t vfat -o loop,offset=32256,uid=1000,gid=1000 xx.img destdir

offset value is 63*512 = 32256
taken from fdisk -l xx.img's offset START

destdir is a directory mounted under DOSBOX init.

Works With 0.74 (2017-03-04 02:01) tooly111
Works perfect with 0.74. Installed perfectly and no sound or graphics issues.
These are some of the settings I used:



Works fine (2008-02-19 17:01) mjjw
I've made an ISO of my original CDs and am running "imgmount d: ~/C&C/GDI.iso -t iso" to mount the CD. Works just fine, with a similar command for the NOD cds. No problems with video, sound or networking.
Made it work with .iso (2008-01-05 09:57) lousygarua
I burned an .iso of my original CD and then made it work from dosbox. It only wanted a LABEL to the CD so the game is made happy - i.e. "mount d /mnt -t cdrom -label GDI" I guess the lable is NOD on the 2nd CD.
Made it work with original CD (2008-01-02 14:29) lousygarua
I just had to mount it with (Ubuntu 7.10):
"mount /media/cdrom -t cdrom -usecd 0 -ioctl"
and then it installed and played great.
type "intro cdrom" in DOSBOX and read it all and figure out the exact mount command for your system.
Works Great! ^.^ (2007-05-08 16:49) Nobu
Ran on Ubuntu (7.04) Linux on DOSBox 0.70 without a hitch. I mean the sounds were a little behind on the videos(About a quarter second or less... Hardly noticeable), and it did skip on the score screen slightly(Which I think is from reading the CD, not from DOSBox), but other than that it ran perfectly.

Hardware includes:

AMD Socket AM2 Sempron 3400+ Processor (I think it says 1.8 GHz on the scaling monitor, when it's fully utilized. Otherwise it's 1 GHz)
ZOGUS nVidia GeForce 7100 GS (128MB memory, 256 with shared)
512MB DDR2 Memory (One card[Therefore single channel, for now] & before shared memory)

Not a gaming computer yet, but pretty good for starting out. ^.^
Lan support is highly unlikely. (2005-12-12 03:26) Adam_MErz
Every time I click the network button it locks up.
Heres the error code that generates in the dosbox command window:

Illegal read from 100b0f60
Illegal write to 100b0f60
Illegal read from 1019c185
Illegal read from 1019c186
Illegal read from 100b0f60
Illegal write to 100b0f60
Illegal read from 1019c187
Illegal read from 1019c188
Illegal read from 100b0f60
Illegal write to 100b0f60
Illegal read from 1019c189
Illegal read from 1019c18a
Illegal read from 100b0f60
Illegal write to 100b0f60
Illegal read from 1019c18b
Illegal read from 1019c18c
Illegal read from 100b0f60
Illegal write to 100b0f60
Illegal read from 1019c18d
Illegal read from 1019c18e
Illegal read from 100b0f60
C&C 95 - Worldwide Warfare (2005-09-29 10:45) Colonel Carter
DOSbox tells me C&C95 is a Win95 executable, and won't run it. XP won't run it, and won't tell me why. I'm stuck in the narrow band between the two! Any advice?
LAN Support? (2005-09-26 06:44) HeavyLobster
Is LAN working for you?
Just wondering setting for... (2005-09-08 19:01) Jim-San
Well I've managed to get the game working on a 1.5Ghz P4 with 512mb ram with the original DOS CD, but I get alot of slow down when too many units on screen.
Just wondering what cycle rate would be recommended for running it some what well, best results I got were 9000 I think, or 6000.
Doing the right thing C&C will do the right thing (2005-08-25 13:09) holyhein
Twiddling around with sound and cd settings I found out C&C works fine with Dosbox 0.63. Until now I hadn´t any hangups. But the performance could be more direct. Sometimes video takes long seconds to load or there is a bit performance trouble. But compared to the "others" everything works fine!!
v0.63 works (with sound issues) (2005-03-31 13:50) Rohezal
I had no problems with starting the original German (1995, v 1.07) version of C&C. No need to mount an ISO. Installer also worked smoothly. Just some minor sound problems (short stopping / hanging of sound, crackling) as already reported. My settings: 17000 cycles, FAT HD and CD (remember: mount as CD-ROM!) mounted, everthing else are D-Fend (frontend for dosbox) defaults.

Now I'm gonna really play the first mission. ;)

@Joseph Collins: Did you set the cycles to something like 15000-17000? Perhaps your CPU is too slow?

Btw. did anybody who has more experience with dosboy than me try out the all different possible emulated sound cards? Perhaps sound no issues with some other card? I'm currently using sb16 (which is default ;) ).
Creep Along. . . (2005-03-27 12:45) Joseph Collins
The game has a habit of creeping along as a snail's pace whenever you have more than, say. . . FIVE UNITS ON THE SCREEN AT ANY GIVEN TIME. Seriously, if you have, say, twenty Minigunners running around at once, there's gonna be some seriously slowdown. I tried speeding up and slowing down the CPU Cycles, but that didn't help at all. I'm at a loss for what to do, frankly. Otherwise, it seems to work just fine, aside from the occasional music glitches and freak-outs.
V0.63 DOS4GW error (2005-03-09 10:45) doppelganger
I got the same error, but you can fix it by changing CPU Core to normal.
DOS4GW error (2005-03-02 16:00) sjamaan
I get a DOS4GW general page fault when I try to start the game.

Installation & setup work fine.

Same goes for Red Alert.
v0.63 Installer Now Working (2004-11-24 10:43) teshia
Installer now works and completely installs game.
Everything OK, bypass CD check with ISO (2004-10-25 01:17) oldtimer
Command & Conquer runs really well on my Athlon XP 2500+ (cycles 16000). Game, music, movies and all. Movies are slightly out of sync (sound is delayed a few tenths of a second) but I did not experience stuttering at all.

I could use the game installer without problem, however, the game itself would not run because it did not recognize the CD. In order to solve this, I dumped my original CDs and mounted the ISO images using IMGMOUNT (see README file). Works like a charm. No need for a crack!

I guess the same should work for Red Alert...
CD-Rip version works reasonably well (2004-10-21 02:09) Swiss_Cheeseman
I have the Windows version, however network doesn't work on WinXP, and it doesn't seem to have the DOS version, so I had to grab the DOS version off a file sharing network.

It works fine with all the regular settings, however starting or connecting to an IPX server makes it crash when you try to start an IPX game. Seems I'm never going to play this fucking game over a network on XP :/
works PERFECTLY for me (2004-10-01 15:56) gadget
Works for me with everything in sync: audio, video, etc, no frames dropped. Using cycles=17000 I can even get it to work smoothly with advmame3x scaler (the map looks then somewhat funny ;) ) ... it slows only if there are around 50 or more units (at game speed set to max)...

IMPORTANT: don't use double buffering together with scaling and ddraw or opengl filter - it slows down video emulation A LOT

I don't know anything about installation issues because I have the HD-installer version with C&C Gold Edition for W98 (it has windows-based installer, but the game itself doesn't work with XP... fortunately, there is also the old DOS version included here... eMule rulez :) )

(hardware config: Athlon XP 2600+, Gainward GF FX-5700, XP Pro)
v0.62 Works Better Now (2004-09-30 12:23) teshia
Scratch what I posted above. Works nearly perfect for me using cycles of 15000. The movies are still out of sync with the audio by about a full second and they very very slightly stutter every few seconds, but it's easily bearable.
v0.62 No Improvement, But Still Works (2004-09-30 08:54) teshia
No noticeable improvement in performance between 0.61 and 0.62, but still runs fairly well. Music, movies, and speech still stutter a bit. The installer still fails the same way, but as the person above me suggested, copy the \INSTALL directory on the CD into the game directory after the install fails and it'll work fine. Audio on movies (ie. people talking to you) is still slightly out of sync with the video stream as badly as it was in 0.61 - no improvement. Using a P4-2800 with 512 megs of RAM.
v0.61 instruction: (2004-09-12 03:04) The Preacher
The mistake most of you make is to mount the CD-ROM drive as HDD. You have to specify that it is a CD-ROM with the "-t" parameter. For example if your cdrom drive letter would be f an you would like to mount it as "D:" than "mount d f:\ -t cdrom".
The installation fails as it goes way to fast, but afterwards you can manually copy the missing files from the CD-ROM's "\install" dir to the selected installation dir on your HDD.
Then it works PERFECTLY, you only need a VERY fast CPU (3,4 GHz in my case, with 15000 Cycles).
Install problem (2004-09-08 08:26) PEMM
I have same problem than Guardian and i dont know how to get it work.
ok (2004-09-02 06:54) Guardian
i got the setup running, but it stops at 12% any hints?
existing install (2004-07-19 03:35) Guardian
and how do i get an existing install without being able to install it?
Install problem (2004-07-04 15:12) stfvon007
The game refused to install correctly, however mounting an existing install in dosbox allows the game to be playable.
non installation possible (2004-06-22 13:24) Guardian
same here "cant run setup.mix from cd-rom", but the cd is in drive D"

any suggestions?

pls advice
a (2004-04-22 08:34) bartware
right.. I got it working now.. but its realllllly slow.. I tried ctrl F12 and stuff but it keeps being slow.. what should I do?
nope... (2004-04-22 07:50) bartware
I have cd version 1.97... and it wont even run the installer. It says "cant run setup.mix from cd-rom", but the cd is in drive D. Odd.. can anyone help?
0.61 works but installation fails (2004-04-07 19:29) ripburger
Install fails on C&C CDROM version 1.07. But just run the install to setup the soundcard, then get a installation failed message. Then copy *.* from the 'install' folder on the cdrom to the directory you picked to install to. Make sure the CDROM is on the root (Or you get a warning about inserting the correct cdrom) and run C&C from that directory.

Played through the first 2 levels as GDI. Video voices are out of sync, but everything else runs well. P4-2.4ghz
v0.6 (2003-10-31 09:11) frip
Runs install if you dont touch the mouse, copies files to 25%ish then complains. I have the original cds so maybe the ripped version might get somewhere.
Note: (2003-04-03 09:26) Striker
Protected mode

Game directory (browsing from C)
Game: Year:   Version:   Status: runnable - playable - supported
C-Dogs 1995   0.73   supported 85% (supported)
C.I.T.Y. 2000 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Cabal 1988   0.74-3   playable 62% (playable)
Cadaver + Payoff 1991   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Cadillacs & Dinosaurs 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
CadKey 6 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Caesar 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Caesar 2 1995   0.74-3   runnable 20% (runnable)
Caesar's Palace 1990   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
California Games 1988   0.73   supported 64% (supported)
California Games 2 1990   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
California Raisins 1988   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Calixto Island 1984   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Callahan's Crosstime Saloon 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Callus 1998   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
cameraman 1994   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Campaign 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Cannon Fodder 1993   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Cannon Fodder 2 1994   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Capitalism 1995   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Capone 1988   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Caprice32 1999   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Captain Bible and the Dome of Darkn 1994   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Captain Blood 1988   0.74-3   supported 70% (supported)
Captain Comic 1988   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Captain Comic 2: Fractured Reality 1990   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Captain Zins 1995   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Captive 1992   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Capture the flag 1995   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Car & Driver 1992   0.74-3   supported 70% (supported)
Caribbean Disaster (CD-Version) 1996   0.74-3   runnable 2% (runnable)
Carmageddon 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Carmageddon Splat Pack 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Carnage 1993   0.62   supported 100% (supported)
Carrier Command 1988   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Carrier Strike 1992   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Carriers at war 1993   0.70   supported 90% (supported)
Carriers at War 1,2 1994   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Cartooners 1989   0.60   supported 90% (supported)
Case of the Cautious Condor, The 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Cash Invaders 2002   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Casino Games 1982   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Castle Adventure 1985   0.72   supported 80% (supported)
Castle Master 1 1988   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Castle Master 2 - The Crypt 1990   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Castle of Dr. Brain 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Castle of Kroz 1990   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Castle Ralf 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Castle Wolfenstein 1983   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Castles 1990   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
castles 2 - siege&conquest 1992   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Castles 2 : Siege and Conquest 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Castlevania 1990   0.74-3   supported 98% (supported)
Cat 1983   0.74-3   supported 95% (supported)
CAT-astrophe Tom&Jerry 1990   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Catacomb 1990   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Catacomb 3D : The Descent 1991   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Catacomb Abyss 1992   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Catacomb Apocalypse 1992   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Catacomb Armageddon 1992   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Catch 'Em 1989   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
catch3D 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Caveman Ninja 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Caveman Ughlympics 1989   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Cavequest 1985   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Caverns Of Bob! 1997   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Caverns Of Kroz 1989   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Caverns Of Kroz 2 1990   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Cavewars 1996   0.72   supported 80% (supported)
CD-Man 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
CD-Man 2 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Celtic Tales 1995   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Centiped-em 1997   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Centipede (Original) 1983   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Centurion: Defender of Rome 1990   0.63   supported 90% (supported)
Chain Reaction 1996   0.61   supported 90% (supported)
Challenge of the Ancient Empires 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
CHAMP Asterocks 1997   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
CHAMP Centiped-em 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
CHAMP Galagon 1997   0.74-3   playable 60% (playable)
CHAMP Galaxia 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
CHAMP Invaders 1997   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Champ Kong 1996   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
CHAMP Ms. Pac-em 1997   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
CHAMP Pac-em 1997   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Champions Of Krynn 1990   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Champions of Zulula Elite Edition 1995   0.60   supported 95% (supported)
Championship Boxing 1984   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Championship Manager 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Championship Manager '93 '94 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Championship Manager 2 1995   0.71   supported 100% (supported)
Championship Manager 97/98 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Change in the Weather 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Chaos Control 1995   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Chaos Engine 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Charge of the Light Brigade 1991   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Charlie the Duck 1996   0.72   supported 65% (supported)
Chasm: The Rift 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Cheesy Invaders 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Chess Maniac 5 Billion and 1 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Chess Wars 1998   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Chess88 1984   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Chessmaster 2000 1986   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Chessmaster 4000 Turbo 1994   0.74-3   supported 95% (supported)
CHEWY ESC from F5 1995   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Chex Quest 1996   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Chex Quest 2 1997   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Chex Quest 3 1998   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Chicago 90 1989   0.65   supported 85% (supported)
Chickens 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Chickens 2 1998   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Chinese Checkers 1991   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Chinese Paladin(仙剑奇侠传) 1995   0.70   playable 50% (playable)
Chip'n Dale - Rescue Ranger 1989   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Chip's Challenge 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
chips challenge windows 1991   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Chomper 1995   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Chompsters! 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Choose an Enemy 1991   0.70   supported 90% (supported)
Chopper Commando 1989   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
Chopper Duel 1993   0.72   playable 63% (playable)
Choy Lee Fut - Kung Fu Warrior 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Choy Lee Fut - Kung Fu Warrior 1990   0.74-3   supported 92% (supported)
Christmas Matchup! 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Christoph Kolumbus 1994   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Chronicles Of The Sword 1996   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
Chrono Master 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Chuck Yeager ADF 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Chuck Yeager ADF 2.0 1989   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Chuck Yeager's Air Combat 1991   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Circuit's Edge 1988   0.61   supported 85% (supported)
Circus 1994   0.58   supported 90% (supported)
Circus Attractions 1989   0.72   supported 80% (supported)
Circus Maximus 1984   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Cisco Heat 1991   0.63   supported 81% (supported)
City of Lost Children 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Civilization 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Clash of Steel 1993   0.61   supported 64% (supported)
Clash of Steel - Future Edition 1995   0.61   supported 99% (supported)
Classic Concentration 1988   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Classic Jumpman 2001   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Clockwiser 1995   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Clone 1999   0.63   supported 73% (supported)
Clone Invaders 1999   0.63   supported 75% (supported)
Clonk 1994   0.74-3   supported 75% (supported)
Clovece nezlob se! 1990   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Club Football - The Manager 1994   0.58   playable 45% (playable)
Clue Master Detective 1989   0.62   supported 85% (supported)
Clyde's Adventure 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Clyde's Revenge 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Coaster 1989   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Cobra Gunship 1997   0.71   supported 92% (supported)
Cobra Mission 1992   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Code Europe 1993   0.58   supported 85% (supported)
Codename: Iceman 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Cohort - Fighting for Rome 1991   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Cohort 2 - Fighting for Rome 1992   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
College Slam 1996   0.63   playable 63% (playable)
Colonial Project (Trad. Chinese) 1996   0.63   supported 95% (supported)
Colonization 1994   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Colony 1988   0.61   supported 70% (supported)
Colony 28 1996   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Colony Wars 2492 1996   0.74-3   playable 60% (playable)
Color Buster 1992   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Color Lines 1990   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Colorado 1990   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Comanche 2.0 AKA Werewolf vs Comanc 1995   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Comanche 3 1996   0.70   supported 97% (supported)
Comanche: Maximum Overkill 1992   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Command & Conquer 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 1996   0.74-3   supported 99% (supported)
Command & Conquer 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Command Adventures: Starship 1994   0.63   supported 95% (supported)
Command HQ 1990   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Command&Conquer: Covert Operations 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Commander Blood 1994   0.63   supported 90% (supported)
Commander Keen 1991   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Commander Keen "Keen Dreams" 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Commander Keen 1-3 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Commander Keen IV: Goodbye Galaxy 1991   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Commander Keen V 1991   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Commander Keen VI 1991   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Commando 1986   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Companions of Xanth 1993   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Compaq Grand Slam Cup 1992   0.60   supported 90% (supported)
Complete Chess System 1992   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Computer Novel Construction Set 1985   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Computer Underground 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Computer War In Europe 1998   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Conan the Cimmerian 1991   0.60   supported 90% (supported)
Concise Oxford Dictionary 8th edit 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Conflict - Korea 1992   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Conflict : Middle East 1991   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Conflict In Vietnam 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Conflict Korea 1992   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Conflict: Middle East Political Sim 1990   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Congo Bongo 1984   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Connaone 1998   0.74-3   playable 50% (playable)
Connect 4 1986   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Conquered Kingdoms 1992   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Conqueror A.D. 1086 1995   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Conquest 1983   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Conquest (David Burns) 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Conquest of Camelot 1991   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Conquest of Japan 1992   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Conquest of the New World 1996   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Conquests of the Longbow 1192   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Construction Bob ITBF 1993   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Constructor 1997   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Continuum 1990   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Contra 1989   0.73   supported 70% (supported)
Contraption Zack 1991   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Cool Croc Twins 1992   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Cool Spot 1994   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Cool World 1992   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
Corncob 3D 1992   0.72   supported 95% (supported)
CornCob other Worlds Campaign 1992   0.60   supported 70% (supported)
Corporate Raider 1988   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Corporation 1991   0.72   supported 95% (supported)
Corridor 7: Alien Invasion 1995   0.60   supported 85% (supported)
Corruption 1988   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Cosmic Crusader 1982   0.60   supported 85% (supported)
Cosmic Spacehead 1993   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure 1993   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure 1993   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Countdown 1990   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Cover Girl Strip Poker 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Covert Action 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Crack of Doom 1989   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Crackdown 1992   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Crash 'n Burn Pinball 1993   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Crazy Cars 1988   0.72   supported 95% (supported)
Crazy Cars 2 1989   0.72   supported 97% (supported)
Crazy Cars 3 1992   0.72   supported 97% (supported)
Crazy Cows 1999   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Crazy Drake 1996   0.70   supported 99% (supported)
Crazy Nick's Software - Roger Wilco 1994   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Creature Shock 1994   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Creep Clash 1994   0.60   supported 85% (supported)
Creepers 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Cribbage King v1.0.9 1989   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Crime and Punishment 1984   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Crime City 1992   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Crime Does Not Pay 1991   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Crime Fighter 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Crime Patrol 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Crime Time 1990   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
Crime Wave 1990   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Crimson Crown 1986   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Cripple Mr Onion 1998   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Crisis in the Kremlin 1991   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Crossbow 1989   0.58   supported 100% (supported)
CrossCheck 1986   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
Crosscountry Canada 1991   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Crosscountry USA 1995   0.60   supported 85% (supported)
Crossfire 1981   0.60   supported 90% (supported)
CrossWorld 1993   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
Crow 1992   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Crown 1990   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
Cruel World 1993   0.60   supported 95% (supported)
Cruise for a Corpse (en & de) 1991   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Cruise for a Corpse (fr) 1991   0.74-3   runnable 1% (runnable)
Crusade 1995   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Crusader: No Regret 1996   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Crusader: No Remorse 1996   0.63   supported 90% (supported)
CRYPT 1990   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Crystal Caves 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Crystals of Arborea 1990   0.70   supported 90% (supported)
Cubic Tic Tac Toe 1985   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Cubulus 1991   0.60   playable 60% (playable)
Curse of Enchantia 1992   0.65   supported 80% (supported)
Curse of Ra 1990   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
Curse of the Azure Bonds 1994   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Customized Lemmings 1991   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Cutthroats 1984   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Cyber Empires 1992   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Cyberbykes: Shadow Racer VR 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Cyberchess 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Cybercon 3 1992   0.60   supported 70% (supported)
Cyberdogs 1998   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
CyberEmpires 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Cybergenic Ranger 1990   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Cyberia 1994   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Cyberia 2 Resurrection 1996   0.73   supported 95% (supported)
CyberJudas 1996   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Cybermage The Darklight Awakening 1996   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Cybersphere 1996   0.74-3   supported 99% (supported)
Cyberwar 1994   0.61   supported 99% (supported)
Cyborg 1982   0.63   supported 90% (supported)
Cyclemania 1994   0.65   supported 80% (supported)
Cyclones 1994   0.70   supported 90% (supported)
CYPHER Operation US Presidents 1992   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
CYPHER Operation Wildlife 1991   0.60   supported 80% (supported)
Cyril Cyberpunk (CyberBoard Kid) 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Cyrus 1985   0.72   supported 95% (supported)

Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: Games broken: Games runnable: Games playable: Games supported:
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1256) 16 (1.27%) 34 (2.71%) 48 (3.82%) 1158 (92.20%)
DOSBox 0.73 (644) 16 (2.48%) 23 (3.57%) 17 (2.64%) 588 (91.30%)
DOSBox 0.72 (722) 45 (6.23%) 24 (3.32%) 31 (4.29%) 622 (86.15%)
DOSBox 0.71 (164) 29 (17.68%) 12 (7.32%) 8 (4.88%) 115 (70.12%)
DOSBox 0.70 (952) 23 (2.42%) 17 (1.79%) 29 (3.05%) 883 (92.75%)
DOSBox 0.65 (727) 39 (5.36%) 30 (4.13%) 41 (5.64%) 617 (84.87%)
DOSBox 0.63 (918) 76 (8.28%) 45 (4.90%) 46 (5.01%) 751 (81.81%)
DOSBox 0.62 (395) 56 (14.18%) 24 (6.08%) 27 (6.84%) 288 (72.91%)
DOSBox 0.61 (998) 87 (8.72%) 59 (5.91%) 68 (6.81%) 784 (78.56%)
DOSBox 0.60 (774) 108 (13.95%) 73 (9.43%) 72 (9.30%) 521 (67.31%)
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) 266 (23.15%) 15 (1.31%) 20 (1.74%) 848 (73.80%)

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