Latest version: 0.74-3

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Game details
System Shock - Origin / Lookingglas (1992)
Tested By: Ceridan

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.72 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.71 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.65 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
95% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.63 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
80% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.61 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
20% (runnable)
  DOSBox version: 0.60 (runnable)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
0% supported
  DOSBox version: 0.58 (broken)

Configuration of the CYB.CFG file (2021-04-18 17:55) LateBlt
As apparently the only person in the world with the floppy version rather than the CD version of this game, I'd like to note that the game's configuration file CYB.CFG requires an "instdir" line, or the installer will refuse to change the game's audio configuration. You need a line like the following in the CYB.CFG file to indicate where the game is installed to:

instdir c:sshock

Once this line is there, the installer will be able to configure your sound devices and save your sound settings. Note that the CYB.CFG file uses decimal values for the sound card's I/O address, so you'll probably see the number 544 there instead of the usual 220, because the usual base I/O address 220 is a hexadecimal number, and 220 in hexadecimal is 544 in decimal.
Works in v0.74 (2012-03-08 02:55) prometh
Even in 640x480. I had to change scaler=none from scaler=hq3x for it to run without crashing, though.

I can't seem to figure out how to have the game start at 640x480 without having to manually set it every time.
Be Careful on choosing your install settings. (2010-08-09 20:54) AlienX99
it works just mount d x: -t cdrom mount c c:> but be careful on choosing what music and sound device you use because you can never reinstall the game unless you delete the profile, if that don't work i don't know what else you can do.
INSTALL.BAT fails with 0.73 under Win7 (2010-02-22 23:32) Therendil
When I try to install the game, the batch file fails with the message "Please run Install from the root directory of the CD-ROM." I copied the batch file to a writable location and changed it to echo the value of %0. Results were very interesting:

C:echo C:INSTALL.BAT <-- Expansion of echo command
C:if C:INSTALL.BATa==install.bata goto all_ok

Looks like the batch command expects just the program name, but %0 is delivering the full path. Not sure if this is an issue with 0.73 or with Win7.

-= Bill =-
install.bat don´t started on 0.73 (2009-12-25 23:16) ryan
My Sys:Phenom II 940,8GB RAM ,Win 7 64bit
On 0.73 the Installation start´s not. On 0.72 the game works . Sound ,music and speed are perfect
Crash!! (2009-07-15 18:09) wincrash32
Crash address (unrelocated) = 1:00067F6F
CDShock with 0.72 (2008-04-16 13:25) fatso
Original CD version, works perfectly, installer and everything, but the game requires an insanely powerful processor as it slows down occasionally even on my Opteron 165 when in SVGA fullscreen.
SS CD version with DOSBox 0.72 (2008-03-22 19:11) zephir
Before I played with 0.65 but without possibility to use 640x480. Now with 0.72 everything is absolutelly perfect and the game-speed is very close to original speed on 486DX as I remember. Sound + music perfect. I play on AMD Barton 2GHz, WinXP SP2 Home. I LOVE THIS GAME AND LOVE DOSBOX BECAUSE IT RETURNS THIS GAME TO LIFE! THANKS TO DOSBOX MAKERS!!!
DosBox 0.72 (2007-10-06 12:14) shrike
playing SS with 640x480 perfectly.

the game is very touchy about its dos extender. if you use the cdshock.bat, you can technically remove the DOS32GW app from the command line, and that seems to stop ~50% of the crashes. Honestly, i don't think DOSBox even needs that program, because it runs perfectly without it

How to get sound? (2007-09-28 03:32) Stoffel
I installed System SHock (floppy version) into dosbox but I can't get any sound, not even choosing the gravis card and loading the gravis patches. Could anyone tell me how to set the card settings for the game and what the config file for dosbox should say, thnx in advance.
SS1 crashes with DOSBox 0.72 + Dynamic CPU (2007-09-27 18:06) Kaminari
Solution: run the game with cpu=normal, then when the game has started, switch back to cpu=auto. System Shock will be playable even in SVGA.
System Shock vF1.5S floppy version [correction] (2007-09-17 10:28) Rasputin
Works perfectly with full GUS support. It was my mistake, I forgot to run SHOCKGUS.BAT (which loads Gravis UltraSound Patches for the music output) before the main game SSHOCK.EXE.
System Shock vF1.5S floppy version with DOSBox 0.72 (2007-09-12 04:14) Rasputin
DOSBox 0.72, System Shock vF1.5S (floppy version, 9 disks, only 320x200) works. Installation: copy all files from each disk to C:\SHOCK, and append .LZH files to existing files (in order of the disks), e.g. with cat (cat /mnt/floppy/base.lzh >> base.lzh). To finish the installation you need to unpack (and thereafter delete) all .LZH files, using LHA: lha x archive.lzh ; rm archive.lzh. Everything works fine with the default settings. Only thing that doesn't work for me is Audio: Voice works with GUS, but Music (MIDI) doesn't work with GUS. Music works with "new SB Pro/SB16", but Voice doesn't work with new SB. Maybe I figure it out later, because the sound does work with mixed settings...
Works great (2007-06-16 15:37) Droffats
I downloaded the version of System Shock from the underdogs ( ) and it works great in DOSBox .70. Every once in awhile I the frame rate gets a little sluggish. My only real problem is not being able to go full screen.
DOSBox 0.70 (2007-06-02 08:21) MegaBrutal
It's strange, but I can play it on DOSBox 0.63, although it's slow. I've just installed DOSBox 0.70 in the hope that it'll be better, but it always crashes, before I load a game. So for some reason, DOSBox 0.70 doesn't support System Shock, when 0.63 did.
At me it doesn't work on plain Windows XP, so I need DOSBox.
Enhanced CD version with dosbox 0.70 (2007-03-16 06:29) gord
Works great with 0.70, nice and smooth with the dynamic core + frameskip 1 and max cpu cycles, even the enhanced CD graphics runs nice and smooth on my 1.8ghz athlon-xp
SS CD version with DOSBox 0.65 (2006-12-22 14:39) zephir
I tried to use VDMSound, doing everything desribed here but it doesn't work on my machine (AMD Barton 2GHz, WinXP SP2). So I play now with DOSBox 0.65. Here are my comments:

- there is no way to play the game in higher resolution than 320x200 (min. details) otherwise the gameplay is very slow (not playable)

- afer a lot of tests the following seems to be the best confinguration (mentioned only changed parameters againts default):






- the game itself set for using Sound Blaster (220,IRQ 7,DMA 1)

SS1 vF1.6C runs fine with DOSBox 0.63 (2006-03-02 16:32) Cortex
DOSBox 0.63, SS1 vF1.6C (CD version).

Crashes for me after about two minutes with core=dynamic. Ran fine with core=full as grover suggested. A bit slow though, can't run it on higher resolutions (Pentium M 1.6 Ghz).
SS1 (2006-01-18 02:26) GDI
DOSBOX from CVS (17-01-2006)
OS Linux Debian Sarge

System Shock 1 working stable.
But slow, even in lowres.

DosBox - Great Thing!!!
Works fine with windows xp with the XP patch (2005-11-24 06:09) donut
You need the patch from ttlg forums to play it.
"Mok's Modified SS1 XP patch". It fixes
a memory allocation bug.

With that, it works fine with just vdmsound.
You might need also noflb vesa driver
and mouse2kv if your mouse is too slow in
higher resolutions.
0.63 works slow (2005-10-10 23:09) grover
Ok. I have p4 2.4c and WinXP sp2 + sb Audigy 2.
To run this game I use following DosBOX setup:
fullscreen, autolockmouse, use doublebuffering, aspect correction, scale: interp2x or advinterp2x + hardware scaling = 2.0
32mb, XMS, EMS, CPU core = FULL (important) and 15 000 - 20 000 cycles, sound 44 100 sb16, General MIDI.
Game works, sound works, mouse works, graphics look VERY well with interpolating, but speed is little slow. Maybe I need faster P4 processor ;-)
Doesn't work with sound FX in 0.63 (2005-05-17 11:43) Lemmus
This game (CD version) worked perfectly - though slowly - in 0.61, and I was able to get quite far in the game with no significant problems. Ran it with 18500 cycles, lowest detail and lowest resolution on an Athlon 2600+. VDMSound didn't seem to run it stably for me in Win2K.

But in 0.63, the game crashes on startup if I set it up with any digital sound at all. No sound or just MIDI works fine. Solution: Run the game in 0.61, as the sound effects are important.
Works with Windows XP (2004-04-17 16:22) Shodan77
CD-Version with speech and SVGA-resolution works perfectly under Windows XP with VDMSound - no need for a DOS-Box here.
Dosbox 0.61 (2004-02-08 01:06) Grahf
Running CD version. Everything seems to be running correctly, if a bit slow, but it's definately playable.
Dosbox 0.60 (2003-10-21 14:48) Xerxes
Runs, but crashes at the beginning (cd-ver)
Note: (2003-04-05 08:13) Ceridan
Crashes before load

Game directory (browsing from S)
Game: Year:   Version:   Status: runnable - playable - supported
S.C.Out 1992   0.61   supported 75% (supported)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R 1997   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
S.T.O.R.M. 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
S.T.U.N. Runner 1990   0.58   supported 100% (supported)
Saban`s Iznogoud 1997   0.73   supported 97% (supported)
Saboteur 2 1987   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Sabre Team 1994   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Saddam Hussein Target Game 1991   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Safari Guns 1989   0.70   supported 90% (supported)
Safe Opening Simulator 1992   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Sam and Max hit the Road (Floppy) 1993   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Sam and Max Hit The Road CD-ROM 1993   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
SAM&MAX 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Sand Storm 1992   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Sands of Fire 1990   0.62   supported 65% (supported)
Sango Fighter 1993   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Sango Fighter 2 1995   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Santa Paravia and Fiumaccio 1988   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Santa's Xmas Caper 1992   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Sapiens 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Sargon V 1990   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Satan 1990   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
Savage 1988   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Scapeghost 1989   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Scaryfish 1993   0.74-3   supported 78% (supported)
Scavengers of the Mutant World 1988   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Scenario 1992   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Schleichfahrt 1996   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Science Adventure 1992   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Scoop, The 1988   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Scorched Earth 1995   0.73   supported 98% (supported)
Scrabble - Deluxe Computer Edition 1990   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Scrabble Brand Crossword Game 1986   0.73   supported 80% (supported)
Screamer 1995   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Screamer 2 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Screamer Rally 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Scrooge 1989   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Scuba 1994   0.61   supported 90% (supported)
ScubaVenture 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Sea Dragon 1983   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Sea Legends 1996   0.61   supported 90% (supported)
Sea Quest (aka- Sea Search) 1984   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Sea Rogue 1992   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Sea Wolf 1994   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
SEAL Team 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Search for the King 1990   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Search for the Titanic 1989   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Season of Sakura 1997   0.63   supported 98% (supported)
Season of the Sakura 1998   0.72   supported 98% (supported)
Seastalker 1984   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Seawolf 1994   0.72   supported 95% (supported)
Second Conflict 1989   0.58   supported 100% (supported)
Second Front 1990   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Second Reality 1993   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Secret Agent - Episode 1 1990   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Secret Agent - Episode 2 1990   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Secret Agent - Episode 3 1990   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
secret agent man #1 1990   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Secret of Monkey Island 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Secret of the Silver Blades 1990   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe 1991   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Seek & Destroy 1994   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Sensible Golf 1993   0.61   supported 90% (supported)
Sensible Soccer 1992   0.62   supported 100% (supported)
Sensible Soccer International Ed. 1994   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Sensible World of Soccer 1996   0.71   supported 100% (supported)
Sensible World of Soccer '96/'97 1996   0.74-3   runnable 28% (runnable)
Sentinel Worlds 1: Future Magic 1989   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Serf City - Life is Feudal 1994   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Serpentine 1982   0.65   supported 80% (supported)
Serve & Volley 1987   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Settlers 1994   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Settlers 2 1996   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Settlers 2 Gold 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Settlers of Catan 1997   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Sex Vixens from Space 1989   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Sextris 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
SeXXcapades 1991   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Seymour Goes to Hollywood 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Shadoan 1996   0.61   supported 90% (supported)
Shadow Caster 1993   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Shadow Knights 1991   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Shadow of Mordor 1988   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Shadow of The Comet 1993   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Shadow of the Comet (CD-ROM) 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Shadow President 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Shadow Sorcerer 1991   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Shadow Warrior 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Shadowforce 1994   0.74-3   supported 70% (supported)
Shadowgate 1988   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Shadowlands 1992   0.60   supported 75% (supported)
Shadoworlds 1992   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Shakii the Wolf 1996   0.61   supported 95% (supported)
Shanghai II: Dragon's Eye 1990   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Shannara 1995   0.60   supported 100% (supported)
Shard of Inovar 1987   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Shard of Spring 1986   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Sharkey's 3D Pool 1990   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Shattered Steel 1996   0.60   supported 90% (supported)
Shawl 1986   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Shellshock 1996   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
Shenanigans 1984   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Sherlock - The Riddle of the Crown 1987   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Sherlock Holmes - Another Bow 1985   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Sherlock Holmes ConsultingDetective 1993   0.63   supported 75% (supported)
Sherlock Holmes The Vatican Cameos 1986   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Sherlock Holmes´s Secret Files 1992   0.62   supported 85% (supported)
Sherman M4 1989   0.63   supported 92% (supported)
Shiloh 1987   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Shinobi 1989   0.74-3   supported 99% (supported)
Shit Fighter 1997   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Shogi 1991   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Shogun 1987   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Shooting Gallery 1990   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
Shortline 1992   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Shrak for Quake 1996   0.74-3   broken  
Shufflepuck Café 1989   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Shuttle 1992   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Sid & Al's Incredible Toons 1993   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Side Arms: Hyper Dyne 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Siege 1992   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Silent Hunter 1996   0.61   supported 90% (supported)
Silent Service II 1990   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Silicon Dreams 1986   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Silk 1993   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Silpheed 1987   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Silver Ball 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Silverload 1995   0.74-3   supported 70% (supported)
Sim Ant 1991   0.73   supported 80% (supported)
Sim City 1989   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Sim City 2000 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Sim Farm 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Sim Health 1994   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Simcity 2000 1993   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
SimCity 2000 for WIndows 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
simcity 2000 special addition 1994   0.73   supported 89% (supported)
Simcity 2000 Special Edition 1994   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
SimCity 2000 Urban Renewal Kit 1994   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
SimCity Enhanced 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
SimEarth 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
SimHealth 1994   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
SimIsle 1995   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
SimLife 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Simon the Sorcerer 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Simon the Sorcerer 2 (CD) 1995   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Simpsons Arcade 1991   0.58   supported 100% (supported)
SimTunes 1996   0.74-3   supported 97% (supported)
Simulador Profesional de Fútbol 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Simusex 1993   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Sinaria: Lost in Space 1994   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Sinbad and the throne of falcon 1989   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Sink of Swim 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Sint Nicolass 1998   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
SirWood 1990   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Sito Pons 500cc Grand Prix 1990   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Skate or Die 1988   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Ski Jump International 1994   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Ski Jump International 2 1998   0.72   supported 95% (supported)
Ski Jump International 3 2001   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Ski King 1996   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Ski or Die 1990   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Skull and Crossbones 1991   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Skunny : Lost in Space 1993   0.74-3   playable 60% (playable)
Skunny Kart Racing 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Skunny: In The Wild West 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Skunny: Save Our Pizzas! 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Skweek 1989   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Sky & Rica 1995   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Sky and Rica 1995   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Sky Cat 1991   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Sky or Die 1990   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Sky Shark 1988   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
SkyChase 1989   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Skyfox 2 1988   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
SkyJaguar 1984   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Skyrider 1991   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
SkyRoads 1993   0.74-3   supported 99% (supported)
SkyRoads 3D 1993   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
SkyRoads Xmas special 1994   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Sleeping Gods Lie 1991   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Sleepwalker 1994   0.74-3   supported 93% (supported)
Sleuth 1986   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Slicks 'n' Slides 1997   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Sliders 1991   0.62   supported 90% (supported)
Slipstream 5000 1995   0.73   supported 80% (supported)
Slob Zone 3D 1994   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Slordax: The Unknown Enemy 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Snack Attack 2 1982   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Snake Panic! 2006   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Snap Dragon 1992   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Snipes 1982   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Snooper Troops 1982   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Snooper Troops Case 2 1982   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Snoopy & Peanuts 1989   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Snoopy's Game Club 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Snow Strike 1989   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Sobor 1991   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Soccer Kid 1994   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Softporn Adventure 1980   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Software Manager 1994   0.74-3   supported 95% (supported)
Soko-ban PERFECT Ver 1.0 1995   0.74-3   playable 61% (playable)
Sokoban 1984   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Sokoban 1994 1994   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Sokoban Revenge 1995   0.74-3   broken  
Solar Winds 1 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Solar Winds 2 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Solidarnosc 1991   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Solitaire Royale 1987   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
solitare 1992   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Solo Flight 1985   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Solomon's Key 1988   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Sons of Liberty 1988   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Sopwith 1984   0.58   supported 100% (supported)
Sopwith 2 1985   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Sorcerer 1984   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Sorcerer Lord 1988   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Sorcerer of Claymourge Castle 1988   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Sorcerian 1990   0.62   supported 85% (supported)
SotC: A Visit to Lovecraft Museum 1996   0.60   supported 85% (supported)
Sound Club 1994   0.65   supported 95% (supported)
Soviet 1990   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Space shooting 1997   0.63   supported 72% (supported)
Space 1889 1990   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Space Ace 1990   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Space Ace 2 1991   0.74-3   runnable 15% (runnable)
Space adventure 1992   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Space Bugs 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Space Chase: Part 2 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Space Chase: Part 2 1993   0.70   supported 90% (supported)
Space Commander 1983   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Space Conquest 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Space Crusade 1992   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Space Dude 1994   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Space Empires II 1995   0.74-3   runnable 28% (runnable)
Space Federation 1994   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Space Games 1986   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Space Harrier 1989   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Space Hulk 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Space Invaders 1980   0.72   supported 92% (supported)
Space Invaders (The Return Of...) 1996   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Space Jam 1996   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Space Marines 1995   0.71   supported 80% (supported)
Space MAX 1992   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Space Pilot 1994   0.74-3   supported 95% (supported)
Space Quest 1 (ver. 2.2) 1987   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Space Quest 1 (VGA) 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Space Quest 2 (ver. 2.0F) 1988   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Space Quest 3 1989   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Space Quest 4 1990   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Space Quest 4 MPC Multimedia Ver. 1991   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Space Quest 5 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Space Quest 6 (DOS) 1995   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Space Quest: The Lost Chapter 2000   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Space Racer 1988   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Space Rogue 1989   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Space Simulator 1994   0.74-3   supported 95% (supported)
Space Station 1987   0.60   supported 100% (supported)
Space Station Oblivion 1988   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Space Strike 1982   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Space Vegetable Corps 1992   0.74-3   supported 96% (supported)
Space Wrecked 1991   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
SpaceQuest4 1991   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
Spacewar 1985 1985   0.72   supported 95% (supported)
Spaceward Ho! 1993   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Spear of Destiny 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Special Forces 1992   0.60   supported 70% (supported)
Spectre 1992   0.73   supported 80% (supported)
Spectre VR 1993   0.60   supported 100% (supported)
Speed Haste 1995   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Speed Racer 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Speedball 1988   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Speedball 2 Brutal Deluxe 1991   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Spell It Plus 1989   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Spellbreaker 1985   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Spellcasting 101 1990   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Spellcasting 201 1991   0.60   supported 95% (supported)
Spellcasting 301 1992   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Spellcraft: Aspectrs of Valor 1992   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Spellcross 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Spelljammer. Pirates of wild space 1992   0.62   supported 99% (supported)
spider 1989   0.74-3   broken  
Spider-Man and Captain America 1989   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Spirit of Adventure 1991   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Spirit of Excalibur 1990   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Spirou 1997   0.60   supported 95% (supported)
Spitfire Ace 1984   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Spitwars 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Sport of King 1989   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Spot 1990   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Spud 1996   0.61   supported 94% (supported)
SPWW2 version 7 2004   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Spy Hunter 1984   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
Spy vs. Spy 3 1988   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Spycraft The Great Game 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Squarez 1992   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Squash 1991   0.73   supported 80% (supported)
SRAM 1987   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
St. Thomas 1993   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Stack-Up 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Stalingrad 1994   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Stanford Wong Video Poker 1991   0.63   supported 70% (supported)
Star Chamber 1987   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Star Command 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Star Control 1990   0.72   supported 80% (supported)
Star Control 2 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Star Control 3 1994   0.73   supported 90% (supported)
Star Control II (Demo) 1992   0.74-3   runnable 28% (runnable)
Star Crusader 1994   0.73   supported 90% (supported)
Star Dust 1988   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Star Fighter 3000 1996   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
Star Fleet 1986   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Star Goose 1988   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Star Hammer 1994   0.58   supported 100% (supported)
Star Legions 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Star Lord 1987   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Star Quake 1988   0.71   supported 100% (supported)
Star Quest 1 in the 27th Century 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Star Rangers 1995   0.63   supported 95% (supported)
Star Rank Boxing II 1987   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Star Reach 1993   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Star Trek - First Contact 1987   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Star Trek - The Kobayashi Alternat. 1987   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Star Trek - The Promethean Prophecy 1986   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Star Trek - The Rebel Universe 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Star Trek - The Transinium Challeng 1989   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Star Trek - TNG Trivia 1990   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Star Trek 25th Anniversary CD 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Star Trek TNG - A Final Unity 1995   0.74-3   supported 95% (supported)
Star Trek TNG - Trivia 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Star Trek Trivia 1986   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Star Trek V - The Final Frontier 1989   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Star Trek: Borg 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Star Trek: DS9 - Harbinger 1996   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Star Trek: DS9 - Holosuite Missions 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Star Trek: Judgment Rites 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Star Trek: Judgment Rites CE-CD2 1995   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Star Wars 1986   0.74-3   playable 50% (playable)
Star Wars - Br�derbund 1986   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Star Wars Chess 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Star Wars: Dark Forces 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Starball 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
StarBlade 1990   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Starbyte Super Soccer 1992   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
StarCommand 1988   0.60   supported 100% (supported)
Starcross 1982   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Stardust 1993   0.72   supported 90% (supported)
StarFlight 1986   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
StarFlight 2 1989   0.63   supported 85% (supported)
Stargate 1985   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Starglider 1986   0.70   supported 64% (supported)
Starglider2 1989   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Stargunner 1996   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Starquake 1987   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Starring Charlie Chaplin 1988   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Starship: Invasion 1987   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Stationfall 1987   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Steel Empire 1992   0.74-3   runnable 3% (runnable)
Steel Panthers 1995   0.62   supported 95% (supported)
Steel Panthers 2: Modern Battles 1996   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Steel Panthers III: Brigade Command 1997   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Steel Panthers World War 2 v6 2003   0.74-3   runnable 28% (runnable)
Steel panthers: Main battle tank 2003   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Steel Thunder 1989   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Steg The Slug 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Stellar 7 1992   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Stellar Crusade 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Stellar Defense II 1993   0.74-3   supported 99% (supported)
Sticky Bear Town Builder 1992   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Stock Market 1990   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Stocks and Bonds 1982   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Stone Age 1992   0.63   supported 97% (supported)
Stonekeep 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Storm 1986   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Storm Across Europe 1990   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Stormlord 1989   0.73   supported 80% (supported)
Storybook Weaver 1992   0.74-3   supported 95% (supported)
Stratego 1990   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
Street Ball 1993   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
Street Fighter 1988   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Street Fighter 2 1992   0.74-3   supported 64% (supported)
street fighter 2 1994   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Street Fighter X 2007   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Street Fighting Man 1989   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Street racer 1996   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
Street Rod 1989   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Street Rod 2 1991   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Street Rod 2 1990   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
streetfighter x 2007   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Strife 1996   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Strike 2 1991   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Strike Aces 1990   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Strike Commander 1992   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Strike Force Harrier 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Strike Squad 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Strikebase 1997   0.71   supported 100% (supported)
Striker 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Striker 1985   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Striker '95 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Strip Poker 1995   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Strip Poker 2 1988   0.60   supported 100% (supported)
Strip Poker De Luxe 1994   0.63   supported 95% (supported)
Strip Poker Professional 1995   0.65   supported 90% (supported)
Stripper Poker 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Stronghold 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Stryx 1990   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Stud Poker Parlor 1983   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
stunt 1990   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Stunt Car Racer 1989   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Stunt Driver 1990   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Stunt Island 1992   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Stunt Island -Playone Movie Player 1992   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Stunts 1991   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Styx 1983   0.65   supported 80% (supported)
Su-25 Stormovik 1990   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Sub Battle Simulator 1987   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Sub Mission 1987   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Subbuteo 1990   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
subLogic Football 1986   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Subwar 2050 1993   0.72   supported 64% (supported)
Summer Challenge 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Summer Games 1992   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Summer Games 2 1986   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Summer Olympiad 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Supaplex 1991   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Super Beemger 1994   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Super C 1990   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Super Cars International 1996   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
Super Cauldron 1992   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Super Fighter 1993   0.61   supported 85% (supported)
Super Gem'z 1992   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Super Hang-on 1987   0.74-3   supported 83% (supported)
Super Huey 1988   0.61   supported 80% (supported)
Super Huey 2 1988   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Super Jeopardy! 1991   0.63   supported 65% (supported)
Super League Pro Rugby 1996   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Super Munchers 1991   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Super Offroad 1988   0.60   supported 100% (supported)
Super Pac-Man 1988   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Super Pac-Mon 1996   0.74-3   supported 80% (supported)
Super Password 1988   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
Super Shooter Acer 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Super Silverbros! 1991   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
Super Solvers: Gizmos and Gadgets 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Super Solvers: Outnumbered! 1990   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Super Space Invaders 1991   0.62   supported 65% (supported)
Super Speed 1995   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Super Spellicopter 1991   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Super Star Wars 1996   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Super Stardust 96 1996   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Super Street Fighter 2 1995   0.61   supported 90% (supported)
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo 1995   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Super Tetris 1991   0.74-3   supported 95% (supported)
Super VGA Harrier 1992   0.62   supported 80% (supported)
Super VGA Puzzle 1994   0.74-3   playable 60% (playable)
Super ZZT 1991   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Superbike Challenge 1987   0.60   supported 100% (supported)
Superfrog 1993   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Superhero League of Hoboken 1994   0.70   supported 100% (supported)
SuperKarts 1995   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Superman - The Man of Steel 1989   0.63   supported 100% (supported)
Superski II 1993   0.62   supported 85% (supported)
Superski III 1994   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Superstar Ice Hockey 1987   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Superstar Soccer 1988   0.63   supported 80% (supported)
Supremacy 1993   0.60   supported 97% (supported)
Supreme Warrior 1996   0.72   supported 95% (supported)
Surf Ninjas 1993   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Surface Tension 1996   0.65   supported 95% (supported)
SWD (軒轅劍外傳~楓之舞) 1995   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
SWD (軒轅劍) 1992   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
SWDA (軒轅劍貳) 1994   0.65   supported 100% (supported)
Swing 1997   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Swiv 3D 1996   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Sword of Aragon 1989   0.61   supported 100% (supported)
Sword of Honour 1993   0.70   supported 80% (supported)
Sword of the Samurai 1992   0.73   supported 100% (supported)
Sword Quest 1992   0.58   supported 80% (supported)
Swos 1996   0.71   supported 100% (supported)
Syndicate 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
syndicate pc 1993 1993   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Syndicate Wars 1997   0.70   supported 95% (supported)
Synnergist 1996   0.74-3   supported 90% (supported)
System Shock 1992   0.72   supported 100% (supported)
System-4: Mister Tengus Adventure 1991   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
System16 - Sega System 16 Emulator 1999   0.74-3   supported 100% (supported)
Szakadt Csoves 1988   0.63   supported 100% (supported)

Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: Games broken: Games runnable: Games playable: Games supported:
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1256) 16 (1.27%) 34 (2.71%) 48 (3.82%) 1158 (92.20%)
DOSBox 0.73 (644) 16 (2.48%) 23 (3.57%) 17 (2.64%) 588 (91.30%)
DOSBox 0.72 (722) 45 (6.23%) 24 (3.32%) 31 (4.29%) 622 (86.15%)
DOSBox 0.71 (164) 29 (17.68%) 12 (7.32%) 8 (4.88%) 115 (70.12%)
DOSBox 0.70 (952) 23 (2.42%) 17 (1.79%) 29 (3.05%) 883 (92.75%)
DOSBox 0.65 (727) 39 (5.36%) 30 (4.13%) 41 (5.64%) 617 (84.87%)
DOSBox 0.63 (918) 76 (8.28%) 45 (4.90%) 46 (5.01%) 751 (81.81%)
DOSBox 0.62 (395) 56 (14.18%) 24 (6.08%) 27 (6.84%) 288 (72.91%)
DOSBox 0.61 (998) 87 (8.72%) 59 (5.91%) 68 (6.81%) 784 (78.56%)
DOSBox 0.60 (774) 108 (13.95%) 73 (9.43%) 72 (9.30%) 521 (67.31%)
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) 266 (23.15%) 15 (1.31%) 20 (1.74%) 848 (73.80%)

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