Game: |
Year: |
Version: |
Status: |
runnable -
playable -
D |
1996 |
0.65 |
supported |
D-Day: America Invades |
1995 |
0.61 |
supported |
D-Day: The Beginning of the End |
1994 |
0.61 |
supported |
D.R.A.G.O.N. Force |
1990 |
0.60 |
supported |
D/Generation |
1991 |
0.70 |
supported |
Daemonsgate |
1993 |
0.60 |
supported |
Daffy Duck, P.I.: TCOML |
1991 |
0.73 |
supported |
Daggerfall |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Daily Crossworld Puzzles from NYT |
1987 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dalek Attack |
1992 |
0.61 |
supported |
Dance of the Planets 2.0 |
1990 |
0.62 |
supported |
Dangerous Dave |
1990 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dangerous Dave (VGA) |
1990 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dangerous Dave 2 |
1991 |
0.73 |
supported |
Dangerous Dave 3 |
1993 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dangerous Street |
1994 |
0.73 |
supported |
DarcNES |
1999 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dare To Dream |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dark Ages |
1991 |
0.73 |
supported |
Dark Castle |
1987 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dark Century |
1990 |
0.73 |
supported |
Dark Designs 1 |
1990 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dark Forces |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dark Half, The |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dark Heart of Uukrul |
1990 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dark Legions |
1994 |
0.70 |
supported |
Dark Queen of Krynn |
1992 |
0.70 |
supported |
Dark Side |
1988 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dark Side Story |
1995 |
0.72 |
supported |
Dark Sun 1: Shattered Lands |
1993 |
0.70 |
supported |
Dark Sun 2: Wake of the Ravager |
1994 |
0.71 |
supported |
Dark Universe |
1995 |
0.72 |
supported |
Darker |
1995 |
0.70 |
supported |
Darklands |
1992 |
0.70 |
supported |
DarkLight Conflict |
1997 |
0.70 |
supported |
DarkSeed |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Darkseed II |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Darkspyre |
1990 |
0.60 |
supported |
Das Boot |
1990 |
0.60 |
supported |
Das Schwarze Auge |
1992 |
0.61 |
supported |
Das Schwarze Auge: Sternenschweif |
1994 |
0.63 |
supported |
Das Telekommando kehrt zurück |
1994 |
0.73 |
supported |
Daughter of Serpents |
1992 |
0.70 |
supported |
David Leadbetter's Greens |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
playable |
David Wolf Secret Agent |
1989 |
0.62 |
supported |
Dawn Patrol |
1994 |
0.61 |
supported |
Dawn Raider |
1991 |
0.60 |
playable |
Day of the Tentacle |
1993 |
0.72 |
supported |
Day of the Tentacle (cdrom talkie) |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Day of the Tentacle (floppy) |
1993 |
0.72 |
supported |
Day of the Viper |
1989 |
0.63 |
playable |
Days of Thunder |
1990 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Deadline |
1982 |
0.60 |
supported |
Deadlock: Planetary Conquest |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Deadly Racer |
1994 |
0.60 |
supported |
Death by Dark Shadows |
1994 |
0.73 |
supported |
Death Gate |
1994 |
0.73 |
supported |
Death Knights of Krynn |
1991 |
0.70 |
supported |
Death Rally |
1996 |
0.70 |
supported |
Death Squadron |
1992 |
0.60 |
supported |
Deathball Incarnate |
1996 |
0.63 |
supported |
Deathbringer |
1991 |
0.62 |
supported |
Deathtrack |
1989 |
0.70 |
supported |
Decathlon |
1982 |
0.61 |
supported |
Decision at Gettysburg |
1990 |
0.60 |
supported |
Decision in the Desert |
1985 |
0.60 |
supported |
Decisive Battles of the Civil War 1 |
1990 |
0.60 |
supported |
Defcon 5 |
1995 |
0.61 |
supported |
Defender |
1983 |
0.73 |
supported |
Defender of the Crown [CGA] |
1982 |
0.63 |
supported |
Defender of the Crown [EGA] |
1983 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Defender of the Faith |
1992 |
0.60 |
supported |
Deja Vu 1: A Nightmare Comes True |
1985 |
0.60 |
supported |
Deja Vu 2: Lost in Las Vegas |
1986 |
0.60 |
supported |
Delta V |
1994 |
0.63 |
supported |
Deluxe Ski Jump 2 |
2000 |
0.72 |
supported |
Delvion Star Interceptor |
1995 |
0.60 |
supported |
Demon Attack |
1983 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Demon Blue |
1993 |
0.60 |
supported |
Demon Stalkers |
1988 |
0.70 |
supported |
Demon's Forge |
1987 |
0.60 |
supported |
Demon's Tomb - The Awakening |
1989 |
0.60 |
supported |
Demon's Winter |
1989 |
0.58 |
supported |
Demoniak |
1991 |
0.60 |
supported |
Depth Dwellers |
1994 |
0.73 |
supported |
Der Aufstand der Dinge |
1994 |
0.70 |
supported |
Der Clou! |
1994 |
0.70 |
supported |
Der Planer |
1994 |
0.61 |
supported |
Der Planer 2 |
1996 |
0.62 |
playable |
Der Reeder |
1996 |
0.70 |
playable |
Der Schatz im Silbersee |
1993 |
0.72 |
supported |
Descent |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Descent 2 |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Descent to Undermountain |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Desert Strike |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
playable |
Design Your Own Railroad |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Designasaurus 2 |
1990 |
0.73 |
supported |
Destroyer |
1987 |
0.60 |
supported |
Destruction Derby |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Destruction Derby (CD Disc Only) |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Destruction Derby (Demo) |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
playable |
Destruction Derby (SVGA Paradise?) |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Destruction Derby 2 |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Destruction Derby 2 (CD Disc Only) |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Destruction Zone |
1994 |
0.65 |
supported |
Detroit |
1994 |
0.72 |
supported |
Deus |
1996 |
0.70 |
supported |
Dggerfall |
1996 |
0.73 |
supported |
Dia Bolo |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Diamondball 3 |
1992 |
0.70 |
supported |
Dick Tracy |
1990 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Die Fugger 2 |
1996 |
0.70 |
supported |
Die Hard 2 |
1992 |
0.60 |
supported |
Die Höhlenwelt Saga |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Die Kathedrale |
1991 |
0.63 |
supported |
Die Schicksalsklinge - DSA1 |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Die Siedler |
1994 |
0.70 |
supported |
Die Siedler II (Gold Edition) v1.51 |
1997 |
0.73 |
supported |
Diehard |
1990 |
0.72 |
supported |
Dif-1 Laser Tank |
1991 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dif-2 Mirage Thunder |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dig It! |
1996 |
0.61 |
supported |
Dig-Dogs: Streetbusters |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
DigDug |
1984 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Digger |
1983 |
0.71 |
supported |
Diggers 2: Extractors |
1995 |
0.65 |
supported |
Digital Downs |
1994 |
0.72 |
supported |
Dime City |
1995 |
0.63 |
supported |
Dimo's Quest |
1993 |
0.60 |
supported |
DinoPark Tycoon |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dinosaur Adventure |
1992 |
0.73 |
supported |
Dinosaur Balls |
1992 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dinosorcerer |
1990 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dinotopia |
1995 |
0.72 |
supported |
Disc |
1990 |
0.62 |
supported |
Disciples of Steel |
1993 |
0.60 |
supported |
Discover Numbers |
1988 |
0.72 |
supported |
Discover Space |
1993 |
0.60 |
supported |
Discovering America |
1993 |
0.60 |
supported |
Discovery |
1992 |
0.60 |
supported |
Discworld |
1995 |
0.72 |
supported |
Discworld 1 |
1995 |
0.70 |
supported |
Discworld 2 |
1997 |
0.70 |
supported |
DisGRUNTled v0.10 |
1997 |
0.63 |
supported |
Dive Bomber |
1988 |
0.63 |
supported |
Dive: The Conquest Of Silver Eye |
1996 |
0.72 |
supported |
Dizzy - Prince of the Yolk Folk |
1990 |
0.63 |
supported |
Dizzy Dice |
1987 |
0.65 |
supported |
Dizzy: Fast Food! |
1992 |
0.58 |
supported |
1984 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Doctor Who - Dalek Attack |
1992 |
0.60 |
playable |
Dogfight |
1993 |
0.72 |
supported |
Dognapped! |
1991 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dominus |
1994 |
0.70 |
supported |
Don't Go Alone |
1989 |
0.58 |
supported |
Donald Duck's Playground |
1988 |
0.60 |
supported |
Donald's Alphabet Chase |
1988 |
0.61 |
supported |
Donkey Island |
1995 |
0.65 |
supported |
Donkey Kong |
1983 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Doofus |
1994 |
0.65 |
supported |
Doom |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Doom 2D |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Doom II: Hell On Earth |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Doom II: Perdition's Gate |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Doom: Evil Unleashed |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
DoomRL |
2005 |
0.63 |
supported |
DOR (失落的封印) |
1992 |
0.63 |
supported |
DOR (Trad Chinese) |
1992 |
0.62 |
supported |
DosDoom v0.64 |
1995 |
0.72 |
supported |
DOSMines |
1994 |
0.72 |
supported |
Double Dare |
1988 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Double Dragon |
1988 |
0.72 |
supported |
Double Dragon 2 |
1989 |
0.73 |
supported |
Double Dragon 3 |
1992 |
0.72 |
supported |
Double Dribble |
1990 |
0.72 |
supported |
Double Pacman |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
DoubleLink |
1991 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Doutris |
1994 |
0.61 |
supported |
Down in the Dumps |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
playable |
Downhill Challenge |
1988 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
dr sbaitso |
1991 |
0.70 |
supported |
Dr. Doom's Revenge |
1988 |
0.58 |
supported |
Dr. Dumont's Wild PARTI v3.00 |
1987 |
0.61 |
supported |
Dr. J and Larry Bird Go One on One |
1984 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dr. Rudy 1.24 |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dr. Sbaitso |
1991 |
0.70 |
supported |
Dr. Thorp's BlackJack |
1992 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dr. Wong's Jacks+ Video Poker |
1992 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dracula in London |
1988 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dracula Unleashed |
1993 |
0.63 |
supported |
dragon ball vs street fighter |
2006 |
0.74-3 |
runnable |
Dragon Ball Z: Millennium |
2000 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dragon Force |
1993 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dragon Lore |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dragon Spirit |
1990 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dragon Strike |
1990 |
0.70 |
supported |
Dragon Wars |
1989 |
0.73 |
supported |
Dragon's Lair (CD version) |
1993 |
0.62 |
supported |
Dragon's Lair (floppy) |
1989 |
0.72 |
supported |
Dragon's Lair II: Time Warp |
1993 |
0.63 |
supported |
Dragon's Lair III: The Curse of... |
1992 |
0.63 |
supported |
Dragon's Lair: Escape from... |
1993 |
0.63 |
supported |
Dragonflight |
1990 |
0.63 |
supported |
Dragonforce |
1993 |
0.65 |
supported |
dragons lair |
1983 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dragons of Flame |
1989 |
0.72 |
supported |
Dragonsphere |
1994 |
0.70 |
supported |
Dragonworld |
1984 |
0.65 |
supported |
Drak |
1995 |
0.65 |
supported |
Drakkhen |
1990 |
0.61 |
supported |
Drascula: The Vampire Strikes Back |
1996 |
0.65 |
supported |
Dreadnoughts |
1992 |
0.70 |
supported |
Dreamteam : 3 on 3 Challenge |
1991 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dreamweb (CD-ROM version) |
1994 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dreamweb (disk version) |
1992 |
0.65 |
supported |
Driller |
1988 |
0.60 |
supported |
Drone |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Drug Lord |
1991 |
0.72 |
supported |
Drug Wars (aka Crime Patrol 2) |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Druid Daemons of the Mind |
1995 |
0.72 |
supported |
Drum Blaster |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dschump |
1993 |
0.73 |
supported |
Dstroy |
1995 |
0.70 |
supported |
1994 |
0.72 |
supported |
Duck Tales: Quest for Gold |
1990 |
0.70 |
supported |
Ducks |
1999 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Ducks Editor Suite |
2000 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Duke Nukem 1 |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Duke Nukem 2 |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Duke Nukem 3D |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
DUKE NUKEM 3D: Atomic Edition v1.5 |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Duke Nukem 3D: Kill-O-Ton |
1997 |
0.65 |
supported |
Duke Nukem: Kill-O-Ton |
1997 |
0.72 |
supported |
Duke Zone 2 |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dune |
1992 |
0.73 |
supported |
Dune 2 |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dungeon Hack |
1993 |
0.73 |
supported |
Dungeon Keeper |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dungeon Master |
1989 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dungeon Master II |
1995 |
0.73 |
supported |
Dungeon of Shalan |
1988 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dungeons Of Drakklor |
1991 |
0.73 |
supported |
Dungeons of Kairn |
1991 |
0.70 |
supported |
Dungeons of Kremlin |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dungeons Of Kroz |
1989 |
0.61 |
supported |
Dungeons Of Kroz 2 |
1990 |
0.61 |
supported |
Dungeons of the Unforgiven |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dunkle Schatten |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dunkle Schatten 2 |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dusk of the Gods |
1991 |
0.60 |
supported |
DX demo |
1995 |
0.63 |
supported |
Dylan Dog - The looking glass |
1993 |
0.60 |
supported |
Dylan Dog: Murderers |
1992 |
0.73 |
supported |
Dyna Blaster |
1991 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Dynatech |
1992 |
0.61 |
supported |