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Game details
Extreme Pinball - Epic/EA (1995) Tested By: 459
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.74-3 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.73 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.70 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.65 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.63 (runnable)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.60 (supported)
Working on Windows, not on OSX (2013-02-14 20:09) |
I use a macbook and tried to fire up this game, but it slows down a lot. It uses max cycles (Core 2 duo T8400) and is very sluggish in the scrolling of the table and the consequent playing. Unplayable.
Tried it on my desktop windows pc, and it ran perfectly. |
No problems in 0.73 (2010-04-03 00:10) |
Haven't had any problems in 0.73 using GUS. |
0.70, WinXP, Thumbs Up (2007-04-16 07:04) |
Selecting SoundBlaster Clone in SETUP.EXE solves the ring crash problem.
Runs great in windowed mode, but crashes in full-screen. |
Almost no problems at all (2006-09-28 11:20) |
0.65, WinXP, using Dos32A, the game runs flawlessly. Smoother than my old pc actually. Only issue i found is that the game locks up dosbox at the Medieval Knights table when you manage to get the ring. Might be my copy's problem tho. |
Controls lagging (2006-04-17 20:57) |
Running 0.65 on WinXP the controls lag A LOT, but there's no problem with sound or graphics. The lagging makes the game totally unplayable, and I can't find a way to fix it. |
0.65 runs the game much better than 0.63 (2006-03-30 20:28) |
Just compiled the new 0.65 on Ubuntu Linux. Extreme Pinball works now without graphical crashing. Still a bit unresponsive sometimes, but I guess that's due to the cycles I've set.
Don't have sound here working on my pc, so can't test that one. |
Unplayable in Linux (2006-03-29 06:23) |
Using Ubuntu on a p4 2.4 ghz.
The game loads the table, but when starting to play, the screen totally distorts so no normal game can be played. |
Unplayble (2005-04-23 08:20) |
I wouldný rvrn mark this game runnable... Ok, I might be able to start the game's SETUP, select the desired sound source and start the game, but as soon as I hit any key, the game will crash... Nothing but vertical stripes. I can type cls and retry, but this is in vain... PLEASE fix this for a next release... DosBox is great for other games and I'd like to be able to run this one as well... |
Same Problem (2005-04-23 03:30) |
I have the same problem like Andrew. Please help ! I really want to play this AWESOME game again ! |
Stupid problem (2005-03-30 13:04) |
the game performance on my celeron 733 and 256 ram is just great but... if i press shift or down key the game goes to hell. There is vertical stripes on the screen and the game crashes. Please somebody help me! |
Great! (0.62) (2004-11-06 00:10) |
Full graphics, full sound (yes, the sound really is that low quality), keyboard and sound was lagging but was fixed with some config tweaks on the sound buffer. Everything is just how I remembered it from my 66DX2.
Crashed once but that may have been internal to the program or me messing with the cycles. |
No Problems (2003-11-04 15:49) |
I didn't encounter any problems even with stereo sound enabled. Even if the sound quality could be
little better :-) |
Note: (2003-10-15 09:28) |
Graphics OK, tables seem to be OK by a short glance. Selecting any sound driver will cause to crash the game, no sound works. |
Game directory (browsing from E)
Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: |
Games broken: |
Games runnable: |
Games playable: |
Games supported: |
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1258) |
16 (1.27%) |
34 (2.70%) |
48 (3.82%) |
1160 (92.21%) |
DOSBox 0.73 (644) |
16 (2.48%) |
23 (3.57%) |
17 (2.64%) |
588 (91.30%) |
DOSBox 0.72 (722) |
45 (6.23%) |
24 (3.32%) |
31 (4.29%) |
622 (86.15%) |
DOSBox 0.71 (164) |
29 (17.68%) |
12 (7.32%) |
8 (4.88%) |
115 (70.12%) |
DOSBox 0.70 (952) |
23 (2.42%) |
17 (1.79%) |
29 (3.05%) |
883 (92.75%) |
DOSBox 0.65 (727) |
39 (5.36%) |
30 (4.13%) |
41 (5.64%) |
617 (84.87%) |
DOSBox 0.63 (918) |
76 (8.28%) |
45 (4.90%) |
46 (5.01%) |
751 (81.81%) |
DOSBox 0.62 (395) |
56 (14.18%) |
24 (6.08%) |
27 (6.84%) |
288 (72.91%) |
DOSBox 0.61 (998) |
87 (8.72%) |
59 (5.91%) |
68 (6.81%) |
784 (78.56%) |
DOSBox 0.60 (774) |
108 (13.95%) |
73 (9.43%) |
72 (9.30%) |
521 (67.31%) |
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) |
266 (23.15%) |
15 (1.31%) |
20 (1.74%) |
848 (73.80%) |