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Game details
Imperium Galactica - GT Interactive (1997) Tested By: Bongo
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.74-3 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.73 (playable)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.72 (runnable)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.63 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.61 (playable)
ubuntu with 0.74 (2011-11-20 21:51) |
works fine on ubuntu with 0.74
copy cds into directory /home/username/dos/ig
sudo apt-get install dosbox
edit dosbox config (/home/username/.dosbox/dosbox-0.74.conf)
and insert this line at end of file:
mount c /home/username/dos/ig
run dosbox
in dosbox:
(set sound card: sound blaster 16, 220 IRQ 7, DMA 1)
64MB memory limit is key (2010-05-02 23:27) |
In DOSBox v0.73 on Vista Ultimate, 2GB RAM, Core2 Duo @ 1.5GHz, following Harkonnen604's instructions #1 and 2 seem to have the game running smoothly for me. At first I just changed ems=false and changed memsize=32, and I was still getting crashes. Changing memsize=64 seemed to be the ticket for getting the game to run without crashing for me.
A few more notes (2010-01-27 22:35) |
I also suggest to mount CD image from USB flash drive because this game seems to be sensitive to too quick I/O. Also do not click AND DO NOT EVEN MOVE YOUR MOUSE when game screens are loading and when computer voice tells "Starmap", "Colony", etc... Perform the next action ONLY when visual activity of previous one has totally finished. So, overally:
1. ems=false
2. memsize=64
3. core=dynamic
4. cycles=40000 (this is for notebook with Core2 Duo 1.6Ghz. Generally cycles must be some fixed value that runs a bit slower when compared to 'max' setting)
5. Do not move/click ahead of interface, especially when you press ESC to save your game!
6. Mount CD image from flash drive.
With all above recommendations I reached CD2 without a single freeze using DosBox 0.72 at its great speed :) |
Memory limit for IG1 (2010-01-27 04:12) |
In addition to my previous comment please note that official minimal memory requirements for IG1 is 16Mb and default dosbox configuration is also 16Mb. So to be on the safe side I increased this value to 64Mb in dosbox.conf file. This change on its own did not fix freezing problem but I still recommend to raise this value at least to 32 as it may have effect later in the game. |
Seems like I solved it for 0.72 (2010-01-27 04:03) |
It was a long struggle, but after investigating official IG1 recommendations on how to run it under Win95 I found a notice to set EMM386 to AUTO or NONE. For dosbox that means to set ems=false inside dosbox.conf file. I did not make through entire game yet, but I did not get a single freeze after intense clicking here and there for 15 minutes so far. Prior to this fix I got a freeze within 2 minutes. I could not play IG1 with dosbox 0.6x because it was too slow, though stable. Dosbox 0.72 had freezes during screen switching and video sequences but turning ems off seems to have solved it. |
Crash in Invention and Equipment Screens (2008-07-16 03:28) |
I have been labouring through this crash for some time now. It occurs randomly every time the game loads a new video for a piece of equipment (and, subsequently, every invention). If a video loads and the game doesn't crash, that video will cease to be a crash threat. However, every time a new video is loaded from the disk, the game has a possibility of crashing.
Crashing in the Invention and Production screens isn't a sure thing by any means, but is instead a roll of the dice. Saving frequently, loading as many videos as possible after reloads, and being lucky, are the only workarounds I have come up with. |
... (2007-12-27 16:00) |
(I was using the full European version with v1.3 patch.)
0.72 crashes (2007-12-27 15:59) |
I got random crashes with v0.72. I tried the game with different sound-card setups, but even with nosound it crashed for me.
0.70 is a no-go (2007-03-23 12:20) |
I just downloaded the new DOSBox, and IG does not work with it. I get an error when I try to load a game. 0.65 still works fine, though. |
Note (v0.63) (2005-09-13 14:06) |
After installation the setup will crash, but game is installed. Sound is ok, but sometimes there are promlems with movies (black screen) and the keyboard. |
DOSBox v.0.61 (2004-08-19 05:12) |
Game crashes when I try to product any equipment or weapon :( |
Note: (2004-04-06 13:14) |
After installation you don't return normally to dosbox, but game is installed.
Sound and movies in game are choppy. |
Game directory (browsing from I)
Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: |
Games broken: |
Games runnable: |
Games playable: |
Games supported: |
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1258) |
16 (1.27%) |
34 (2.70%) |
48 (3.82%) |
1160 (92.21%) |
DOSBox 0.73 (644) |
16 (2.48%) |
23 (3.57%) |
17 (2.64%) |
588 (91.30%) |
DOSBox 0.72 (722) |
45 (6.23%) |
24 (3.32%) |
31 (4.29%) |
622 (86.15%) |
DOSBox 0.71 (164) |
29 (17.68%) |
12 (7.32%) |
8 (4.88%) |
115 (70.12%) |
DOSBox 0.70 (952) |
23 (2.42%) |
17 (1.79%) |
29 (3.05%) |
883 (92.75%) |
DOSBox 0.65 (727) |
39 (5.36%) |
30 (4.13%) |
41 (5.64%) |
617 (84.87%) |
DOSBox 0.63 (918) |
76 (8.28%) |
45 (4.90%) |
46 (5.01%) |
751 (81.81%) |
DOSBox 0.62 (395) |
56 (14.18%) |
24 (6.08%) |
27 (6.84%) |
288 (72.91%) |
DOSBox 0.61 (998) |
87 (8.72%) |
59 (5.91%) |
68 (6.81%) |
784 (78.56%) |
DOSBox 0.60 (774) |
108 (13.95%) |
73 (9.43%) |
72 (9.30%) |
521 (67.31%) |
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) |
266 (23.15%) |
15 (1.31%) |
20 (1.74%) |
848 (73.80%) |