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Game details
Prince of Persia 2 - Broderbund (1993) Tested By: GoGi
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.74-3 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.73 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.72 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.71 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.70 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.65 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.63 (playable)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.61 (playable)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.60 (playable)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.58 (playable)
NO CRASHES if you run the new version v1.1 (2007-08-10 04:12) |
the silent man
Use game version 1.1 to solve your troubles!
To check what version you are playing, press Alt+V during the gameplay.
I play the latest version of Prince of Persia 2, v1.1, released in 1993 on CD-ROM.
Using DosBox 0.60, I encountered no crashes at all.
I'm at level 10, in the temple, both graphics and music/sound fx are flawless.
The only trouble I encountered is about the in-game keys that do not work after level 5 (that means you can't pause and you can't save).
To avoid this problem, I played the game without DosBox (without music/sounds), finished a couple of levels (Ruins) and saved correctly and, after that, I ran the game again using DosBox from those savegames. The saving system worked fine. |
Dosbox 0.65 (2006-03-30 08:14) |
PoP 2 works much better with DosBox 0.65, but still there are some occasional freezes/crashes.
Btw. the issues are not related to XMS/EMS but instead to soundblaster/pc speaker. If you disable digital sounds the game runs flawless.
Running PoP 2 with VDMSound has similar issues (i.e. slowdowns), but using PC speaker fixes these problems.
I never witnessed such problems, when I was playing the using MS-Dos 5.0 or 6.2 10 years ago.
Prince of Persia 2 freeze fix? (2005-10-16 10:09) |
Like everyone else who has posted so far, I was having issues with PoP2 crashing. Mostly I had a lot of video corruption, which was usually followed by a drop to DOS. I started tweaking the config file hoping to see if I could isolate the problem, and it seems to have to do with XMS. Since I disabled it, I have not had a crash. The drawback is that you get no digital sounds - So I enabled EMS to get them back and that seems to be stable too. More testing is needed, however, I only played for 2 or 3 hours. But usually the crashes happened at least every 30 mins before... |
Runable, works fine, some crashes (2005-05-27 16:34) |
To add to the ones before me, I found PoP2 to be quite all right. I eperienced freezes quite frequently in the cave stages and rarely in the haunted ruins stages, but in the birdmen stages and the final showdown part there was no problem anymore.
However, the cheat mode really does not work. One step left and everything freezes up. Maybe the "winners don't use cheats" curse has befallen us retrogamers. |
Completable, but unstable! (2005-04-08 19:26) |
I've completed this game using DosBox 0.63 and D-Fend v2. If you have LOTS of patience, the game can be finished, since it tends to crash randomly. When it crashes, load the game and try to do something diferent (like walking, instead of jumping on the place where it crashed before). The crashes are very frequent in some levels, but rare on others. |
Dont change the status! (2005-02-17 13:04) |
I've installed PoP2 from the original disks and all the mentioned problems happen. And since I'm not the only one with these problems, as you can see in the comments, the status is barley playable.
Im aware that you can avoid some of the problems, by disabling the sound or using pc-speaker, but unless the mentioned problems are fixed (maybe in 0.64), do not change the status to supported. |
It does Crash! Dosbox 0.63 (2005-02-13 11:15) |
I think i use the version, you can get at http://www.abandonia.com or may be the one from http://www.the-underdogs.org. The Game crashed in the caves, after i found the magic carpet, i fly away with it, but the cuscene didn't appear and i jump back to my GUI. |
The game runs smoothly! (2005-02-11 16:44) |
Déjà vu
No crashes, even in higher levels. No key failures, no freezing at copy protection screen, no single problem during gameplay. I've tested it using DOSBox 0.63 with D-Fend v2. |
0.63: barley playable (2005-02-11 10:22) |
three major issues:
after a while certain keys stop working, i.e. space bar, alt + o, etc..
freeze at the copy protection screen, so you can't play further than level 3
sometimes exits with the message "digisnd.dat" not found, even if the file is there (works without dosbox). this error happens when using soundblaster pro config.
dosbox 0.63 status: runable maybe playble |
"Playable" (2004-12-06 09:19) |
This game is definitely NOT "supported". I rated it "playable" on a very low level, since it works flawlessly until it crashes. The crashes aren't reproducible, but I doubt that the game is completable.
Other opinions? |
v0.63 - stability problems (2004-12-04 09:57) |
The game often freezes.
On one level I got the following messages after game crashes:
"PrinceNewShpItem(). BaseId = 751. item = 20304. usedExisting = 0."
"run-time error R6003
- integer divide by 0"
"Insufficient far Memory"
I got also infinity loop in the DOSBox console window:
"Write 0 to rom at fcfba" (or fcfb8) |
Safe and Sound (2004-03-30 23:43) |
The game goes a little faster, but there is still bug with "space" and "alt+o", esspecially on lastest levels. |
Copy protection crash (2004-02-06 19:59) |
Same here, the game seems to lock up completley at the copy protection screen.
Alt+O seems to work on the first level during the escape, but not on the beach level (after the boat cutscean).
Don't know about the rest of the game cause I can't get past the crash on the copy protection screen. |
Hello (2004-01-29 09:14) |
Can I donwload the game Prince of Persia ? |
can't get back 2nd level! (2004-01-16 11:40) |
Hey for some reason none of the keys do anything when I'm at the copy protection screen and I'm supposed to choose the correct symbol. It says tab to highlight to and enter to continue, but those keys don't do anything? Any ideas? Thanks |
Prince 2 Alt+O (2003-12-25 17:32) |
Hey Dudes For me the game works fine but one thing bugs me ! the alt+O key wich would open up the options doenst seen to work after you finish a level and so does the space bar, but i find that Ctrl makes you spawn again, but still if some one could help me about the options menu i would be glad ! |
v 0.60 there is NO(!!!) enemies issue! But bug in cheat-mode (2003-12-02 05:11) |
I don't find any troubles with enemies (they fight normally and can kill me, of course), but i found strange bug if use cheat mode (run game as PRINCE MAKINIT): If you press cursor key [<-] (LEFT arrow), lives of prince decreasing very fast!!! But there is no this bug in normal mode or if you run this game not in DOSBox!
So if you want to cheat, use [E],[S],[D],[F] keys as cursor or use a joystick.
PS: In cheat mode there are some another minor bugs. |
v 0.60 enemies issue (2003-10-21 05:28) |
Dark Knight ez
in version 0.60 the game doesn't crash anymore.
however, the enemies don't fight back for some reason. they can draw their swords, and run after you, but that's about it; no stabbing at you.
Crashes (2003-10-12 03:57) |
Needs a status change to runnable - crashes halfway through the first level. |
Note: (2003-04-02 03:45) |
Added by mirekluza:
There are reports about crashes in the game. |
Game directory (browsing from P)
Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: |
Games broken: |
Games runnable: |
Games playable: |
Games supported: |
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1258) |
16 (1.27%) |
34 (2.70%) |
48 (3.82%) |
1160 (92.21%) |
DOSBox 0.73 (644) |
16 (2.48%) |
23 (3.57%) |
17 (2.64%) |
588 (91.30%) |
DOSBox 0.72 (722) |
45 (6.23%) |
24 (3.32%) |
31 (4.29%) |
622 (86.15%) |
DOSBox 0.71 (164) |
29 (17.68%) |
12 (7.32%) |
8 (4.88%) |
115 (70.12%) |
DOSBox 0.70 (952) |
23 (2.42%) |
17 (1.79%) |
29 (3.05%) |
883 (92.75%) |
DOSBox 0.65 (727) |
39 (5.36%) |
30 (4.13%) |
41 (5.64%) |
617 (84.87%) |
DOSBox 0.63 (918) |
76 (8.28%) |
45 (4.90%) |
46 (5.01%) |
751 (81.81%) |
DOSBox 0.62 (395) |
56 (14.18%) |
24 (6.08%) |
27 (6.84%) |
288 (72.91%) |
DOSBox 0.61 (998) |
87 (8.72%) |
59 (5.91%) |
68 (6.81%) |
784 (78.56%) |
DOSBox 0.60 (774) |
108 (13.95%) |
73 (9.43%) |
72 (9.30%) |
521 (67.31%) |
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) |
266 (23.15%) |
15 (1.31%) |
20 (1.74%) |
848 (73.80%) |