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Game details
Strike Squad - Mindcraft (1993) Tested By: Winter
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.74-3 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.70 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.65 (runnable)
runnable - playable - supported
0% supported
DOSBox version: 0.63 (broken)
Playable (2023-06-06 07:34)
No issues with mouse cursor. Game started and ran just fine.
Mouse not shown (2010-08-08 18:04)
In the main menu, I can't see the mouse cursor.
The game runs, but without the mouse cursor, it's really unplayable :)
Cursor appears OK under VMWARE, so I think this is a DosBox issue :)
DB 0.72 (2008-03-23 09:40)
Unplayable. Introduction hangs at "K'kistik forces have destroyed Bao...", which can be skipped with ESC, but then the mouse doesn't work anyway after you've entered your name.
DB 0.70 - 10000 cycles (2007-07-07 07:22)
Runs just fine.
Note: (2005-02-25 10:40)
Game crashes back to DosBox and then the text in DosBox is all messed up.