Game: |
Year: |
Version: |
Status: |
runnable -
playable -
T-Mek |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Taebaek Hangeul |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Tag Team Wrestling |
1984 |
0.58 |
supported |
Tajemství Oslího ostrova |
1994 |
0.65 |
supported |
Take Down |
1988 |
0.63 |
supported |
Taking Care Of Business |
1994 |
0.65 |
supported |
Talisman |
1995 |
0.65 |
supported |
Talking Parrot |
1991 |
0.74-3 |
runnable |
Tangled Tales |
1989 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tank |
1991 |
0.72 |
supported |
Tank Attack |
1990 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tank Blaster |
1994 |
0.73 |
supported |
Tank Blaster |
1997 |
0.61 |
supported |
Tank Wars 3.2 |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Tanks Destroyer |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Tapper |
1983 |
0.58 |
supported |
Targhan |
1989 |
0.65 |
supported |
Task Force 1942 |
1992 |
0.70 |
supported |
Tass Times in Tonetown |
1986 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tau Ceti |
1987 |
0.63 |
supported |
Team Suzuki |
1991 |
0.63 |
supported |
Team Yankee |
1990 |
0.63 |
supported |
Techno Cop |
1988 |
0.63 |
supported |
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles |
1991 |
0.63 |
supported |
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles |
1990 |
0.60 |
supported |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Teenage Queen |
1988 |
0.58 |
supported |
Teenagent |
1995 |
0.70 |
supported |
Tegel's Mercenaries |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
playable |
Tekwar |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Telengard |
1985 |
0.58 |
supported |
Tempest 2000 |
1995 |
0.63 |
supported |
Temple of Apshai Trilogy |
1985 |
0.58 |
supported |
Temple Of Kroz |
1990 |
0.61 |
supported |
Tennis |
1985 |
0.61 |
supported |
Tennis Cup |
1990 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tennis Cup 2 |
1992 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tequila & Boom Boom |
1995 |
0.72 |
supported |
Teresa: House Guest |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Terminal Velocity |
1995 |
0.72 |
supported |
Terminator - Future Shock |
1995 |
0.70 |
supported |
Terminator 2 Judgement Day |
1993 |
0.70 |
supported |
Terminator 2029 |
1992 |
0.70 |
supported |
Terminator 2: The Arcade Game |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Terminator 2:Judgment Day ChessWars |
1993 |
0.73 |
supported |
Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri |
1996 |
0.73 |
supported |
TES Daggerfall |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Test Drive |
1987 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Test Drive |
1987 |
0.58 |
supported |
Test Drive 2 |
1989 |
0.70 |
supported |
Test Drive 3 |
1990 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Test Drive Off Road |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Tetriller |
1990 |
0.58 |
supported |
Tetripz |
1998 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Tetris |
1987 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
TETRIS (Original) |
1986 |
0.72 |
supported |
TETRIS (Original) |
1986 |
0.72 |
supported |
Tetris Classic |
1992 |
0.60 |
supported |
Tetris Gold |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Tetris Pro |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Tex Murphy III:Under A Killing Moon |
1994 |
0.72 |
supported |
Tex Murphy: The Pandora Directive |
1996 |
0.73 |
supported |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Adventures of Down Under Dan |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Adventures of Maddog Williams |
1992 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Adventures of Robin Hood |
1991 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Adventures of Willy Beamish |
1991 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Ancient Art Of War |
1984 |
0.58 |
supported |
The Battle of the Bulge: Tigers... |
1982 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The California Raisins |
1988 |
0.60 |
supported |
The Case of the Rose Tattoo |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Catacomb |
1990 |
0.72 |
supported |
The City of Lost Children |
1997 |
0.72 |
supported |
The Civil War |
1987 |
0.58 |
playable |
The Clue! |
1994 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Colonel's Bequest |
1989 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Colony |
1988 |
0.60 |
supported |
The Crystal Maze |
1993 |
0.65 |
supported |
The Cycles |
1989 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Dagger of Amon Ra |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Dame was Loaded |
1996 |
0.65 |
supported |
The Dig |
1995 |
0.72 |
supported |
The Elder Scrolls - Daggerfall |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
the elder scrolls arena |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Elder Scrolls: Arena |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Elders Scrolls : Arena |
1993 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Endless Night |
1993 |
0.58 |
supported |
The Even More Incredible Machine |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Exterminator |
1983 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Eye of Typhoon |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Faery Tale Adventure |
1988 |
0.58 |
supported |
The Fates of Twinion |
1993 |
0.65 |
supported |
The Fellowship of the Ring |
1986 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Final Conflict |
1991 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Final Crusade Of Kroz |
1990 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Flintstones: Dino: Lost in Bedr |
1990 |
0.73 |
supported |
The Fool's Errand |
1989 |
0.72 |
supported |
The Games - Summer Edition |
1988 |
0.63 |
supported |
The Games People Play |
1990 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Games: Winter Challenge |
1991 |
0.73 |
supported |
The Gates of Skeldal |
1998 |
0.71 |
supported |
The Geekwad Games of The Galaxy |
1993 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Global Dilemma : Guns or Butter |
1990 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Godfather |
1991 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Goonies |
1986 |
0.61 |
supported |
the grandest fleet |
1994 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Great Escape |
1986 |
0.58 |
supported |
The Guild of Thieves |
1987 |
0.65 |
supported |
The Hobbit |
1983 |
0.58 |
supported |
The Honeymooners |
1988 |
0.72 |
supported |
The Horde |
1993 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Hound of Shadow |
1990 |
0.60 |
supported |
The Hunt for Red October |
1988 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The IBM Basic Quiz |
1989 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Immortal |
1991 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Incredible Machine |
1992 |
0.73 |
supported |
The Incredible Machine 2 |
1994 |
0.72 |
supported |
The Incredible Toon Machine |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Intruder |
1997 |
0.65 |
supported |
The Island of Dr. Brain |
1992 |
0.73 |
supported |
The Jetsons |
1990 |
0.73 |
supported |
The Jewels of Darkness |
1986 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Jungle Book |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Jungle Book legend of Mowgli |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The King of Chicago |
1988 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Kristal |
1989 |
0.73 |
supported |
The Labyrinth of Time |
1993 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Last Bounty Hunter |
1994 |
0.65 |
supported |
The Last Eichhof |
1993 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Last Express |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
playable |
The Last Half of Darkness |
1991 |
0.72 |
supported |
The Last Mission |
1987 |
0.65 |
supported |
The Last Ninja |
1987 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Lawnmower Man |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Legacy |
1993 |
0.58 |
supported |
The Legend of Heroes (Trad Chinese) |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Legend of Heroes IV(TChinese) |
1996 |
0.65 |
supported |
The Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fat |
1993 |
0.73 |
supported |
The Light Corridor |
1990 |
0.65 |
supported |
The Lion King |
1994 |
0.73 |
supported |
The Lost Adventures Of Kroz |
1990 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Lost Vikings |
1993 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Lurking Horror |
1984 |
0.60 |
supported |
The Machines |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Magic Candle |
1989 |
0.71 |
supported |
The Magic Candle II |
1991 |
0.63 |
supported |
The Magic Candle III |
1992 |
0.60 |
supported |
The Manager |
1992 |
0.72 |
supported |
The Mist (Stephen King's "Mist") |
1984 |
0.62 |
supported |
The Monuments of Mars |
1991 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Need for Speed |
1995 |
0.73 |
supported |
The NeverEnding Story - Part 2 |
1990 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Orion Conspiracy |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Patrician |
1993 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Pawn |
1985 |
0.65 |
supported |
The Perfect General II |
1994 |
0.63 |
supported |
The Perfect General |
1990 |
0.63 |
supported |
The President is Missing |
1988 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Punisher |
1990 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Queen of Hearts Maze Game |
1982 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Quest for the Time Bird (CGA) |
1989 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Quivering |
1998 |
0.72 |
supported |
The Raven Project |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Red Baron |
1984 |
0.65 |
supported |
The Return of The Lost Vikings |
1997 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Riddle of Master Lu |
1995 |
0.65 |
supported |
The Rift |
1992 |
0.62 |
supported |
The Rising Dynasty |
1991 |
0.62 |
supported |
The Rocketeer |
1991 |
0.60 |
supported |
The Romantic Blue |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
broken |
The Scoop |
1989 |
0.62 |
supported |
The Scottish Open |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Secret Island of Dr. Quandary |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Secret of Monkey Island |
1990 |
0.72 |
supported |
The Secret of Monkey Island 2 |
1992 |
0.72 |
supported |
The Sentinel |
1989 |
0.72 |
supported |
The Seven Cities Of Gold |
0.65 |
supported |
The Seventh Guest |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Shadow of Yserbius |
1993 |
0.65 |
supported |
The Shadows of Mordor |
1988 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Shard of Spring |
1987 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Simpsons Arcade |
1991 |
0.73 |
supported |
The Simpsons: Bart vs. The Space M. |
1991 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Slugger |
1988 |
0.62 |
supported |
The Solar Hockey League |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Spoils of War |
1992 |
0.62 |
supported |
The Sporting News - Baseball |
1988 |
0.62 |
supported |
The Spy's Adventures in Europe |
1986 |
0.62 |
supported |
The Spy's Adventures North America |
1987 |
0.62 |
supported |
The Summoning |
1992 |
0.60 |
supported |
The Taking of Berverly Hills |
1991 |
0.63 |
supported |
The Terminator |
1990 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Terminator Rampage |
1993 |
0.73 |
supported |
The Terminator: Future Shock |
1995 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Terminator: Skynet |
1996 |
0.73 |
supported |
The Third Courier |
1989 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Thor Trilogy 1 - Caves of Thor |
1990 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Thor Trilogy 2 - Realm of Thor |
1990 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Thor Trilogy 3 - Thor's Revenge |
1990 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Three Stooges |
1991 |
0.70 |
supported |
The Train : Escape from Normandy |
1988 |
0.61 |
supported |
The Train: Escape to Normandy |
1988 |
0.60 |
playable |
The Treasure Mountain! |
1990 |
0.63 |
supported |
The Treehouse |
1991 |
0.63 |
supported |
The Two Towers |
89 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Ugly Duckling |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Untouchables |
1989 |
0.63 |
supported |
The Varginha Incident |
1998 |
0.73 |
supported |
The War College |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Way Things Work 2.0 (rus) |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Wild Science Arcade |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
The Witness |
1983 |
0.65 |
supported |
The Wizard of Oz |
1985 |
0.63 |
supported |
The World's Greatest Baseball Game |
1985 |
0.63 |
supported |
Theatre of Death |
1994 |
0.65 |
supported |
Theatre of Pain |
1994 |
0.70 |
supported |
Theatre of War |
1992 |
0.63 |
supported |
Their finest Hour |
1989 |
0.58 |
supported |
Theme Hospital |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Theme Park |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Theme Park Mystery |
1990 |
0.63 |
supported |
Thexder |
1987 |
0.70 |
supported |
Thexder II Firehawk |
1990 |
0.70 |
supported |
Think Cross |
1991 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Think Quick |
1987 |
0.73 |
supported |
third reich |
1996 |
0.70 |
supported |
Thomas the Tank Engine |
1993 |
0.73 |
supported |
Threat |
1994 |
0.60 |
supported |
Three Sisters' Story (CD-ROM v1.1) |
1997 |
0.61 |
supported |
Thrid Reich |
1996 |
0.65 |
supported |
Thud Ridge |
1988 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Thunder Blade |
1989 |
0.74-3 |
playable |
ThunderChopper |
1989 |
0.63 |
supported |
Thunderscape |
1994 |
0.73 |
supported |
Thunderstrike |
1990 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tie Break |
1990 |
0.58 |
supported |
Tie Break Tennis 98 |
1998 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Tie Fighter |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
TIE Fighter CD |
1995 |
0.72 |
supported |
Tie Fighter HD |
1995 |
0.70 |
supported |
Tilt |
1991 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tilt! (Hyper 3D Pinball) |
1995 |
0.60 |
supported |
Time and Magik |
1988 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Time Bandit |
1988 |
0.63 |
supported |
Time Commando |
1996 |
0.70 |
supported |
Time Paradox |
1996 |
0.61 |
supported |
Time Race |
1990 |
0.63 |
supported |
Time Riders in American History |
1992 |
0.63 |
supported |
Time to Die |
1989 |
0.61 |
supported |
Time Warrior |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Time Warriors |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
playable |
Timegate: Knight's Chase |
1996 |
0.72 |
supported |
Timequest |
1991 |
0.72 |
supported |
Times of Lore |
1988 |
0.58 |
supported |
Timeslaughter |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
playable |
Tinker Tales |
1984 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
TinTin In Tibet |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Tintin sur la Lune |
1989 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tiny Skweeks |
1992 |
0.73 |
supported |
Titus the Fox to Marrakech and Back |
1992 |
0.72 |
supported |
1989 |
0.63 |
supported |
TMNT - Manhattan Missions |
1991 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tom & Jerry - Cat-astrophe |
1990 |
0.73 |
supported |
Tomahawk |
1987 |
0.58 |
supported |
Tomb Raide |
1996 |
0.72 |
supported |
Tomb Raider |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Tongue of the Fatman |
1989 |
0.58 |
supported |
Tony & Friends in Kellogs Land |
1994 |
0.73 |
supported |
Tony LaRussa's Baseball 2 |
1994 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tony Larussa's Ultimate Baseball |
1991 |
0.63 |
supported |
Toobin' |
1989 |
0.63 |
supported |
Toonstruck |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Top Gun |
1887 |
0.72 |
supported |
Top Gun - Danger Zone |
1991 |
0.63 |
supported |
Top Gun: Fire at Will |
1995 |
0.73 |
supported |
Top Secret |
1987 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Torin's Passage |
1995 |
0.72 |
supported |
Tornado |
1993 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tornado F3 |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Total Eclipse |
1988 |
0.63 |
supported |
Total Pinball / Pinball 3D-VCR |
1996 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Touche: Adventures of 5th Musketeer |
1995 |
0.62 |
supported |
Tough |
1995 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tour 91 |
1991 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tower of Souls |
1995 |
0.61 |
supported |
Tower Toppler |
1988 |
0.58 |
supported |
Town with no Name |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
runnable |
Toxic Bunny |
1996 |
0.73 |
supported |
Toy Shop |
1986 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Tracassin |
1992 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tracer Sanction |
1984 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Track Attack |
1996 |
0.73 |
supported |
Tracker |
1987 |
0.63 |
supported |
Traders |
1992 |
0.61 |
supported |
Traffic Department 2192 |
1993 |
0.73 |
supported |
Transarctica |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Translate-It! (EN/FRA) version |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Transport Tycoon |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Transport Tycoon (Deluxe) |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Transport Tycoon On Mars |
1995 |
0.71 |
supported |
Transworld |
1991 |
0.73 |
supported |
Transylvania |
1985 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Transylvania 3-Vanquish the Night |
1990 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Trantor - The Last Stormtrooper |
1988 |
0.63 |
supported |
TRAZ - Transformable Arcade Zone |
1989 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Treasure Cove! |
1992 |
0.72 |
supported |
Treasure Island |
1985 |
0.65 |
supported |
Treasure Trap |
1989 |
0.63 |
supported |
Treasures of the Savage Frontier |
1992 |
0.65 |
supported |
Tremor for quake |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Trial By Magic |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
TrianGO |
1988 |
0.63 |
supported |
Trick or Treat |
1994 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Tricky Quiky Games 2 |
1995 |
0.65 |
supported |
Trinity |
1986 |
0.63 |
supported |
Triplane Turmoil |
1996 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tristan Pinball |
1992 |
0.73 |
supported |
Trivial Pursuit |
1986 |
0.73 |
supported |
Trivial Pursuit Deluxe |
1992 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Troddlers |
1993 |
0.73 |
supported |
Trog |
1990 |
0.63 |
supported |
Troika |
1991 |
0.73 |
supported |
Trolls |
1992 |
0.70 |
supported |
Trucks |
1997 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Trump Castle |
1988 |
0.63 |
supported |
Trump Castle 2 |
1991 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Trump Castle 3 |
1993 |
0.73 |
supported |
Tube |
1994 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tubes |
1994 |
0.71 |
supported |
Tubis |
1993 |
0.61 |
supported |
Tubular Worlds |
1994 |
0.58 |
supported |
Tuneland |
1993 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Tunnel B1 |
1996 |
0.70 |
supported |
Tunneler 2 |
1994 |
0.60 |
supported |
Tunnels of Armageddon |
1989 |
0.73 |
supported |
Turbo |
1987 |
0.72 |
supported |
Turbo - Bridge |
1985 |
0.58 |
supported |
Turbo Champions |
1989 |
0.63 |
supported |
Turbo Cup |
1987 |
0.63 |
supported |
Turbo Outrun |
1990 |
0.63 |
supported |
Turn 'N Burn |
1990 |
0.63 |
supported |
Turrican II |
1995 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
TV Mogul |
1993 |
0.63 |
supported |
TV Sports - Baseball |
1990 |
0.63 |
supported |
TV Sports - Football |
1989 |
0.63 |
supported |
TV Sports Basketball |
1990 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
TV Sports Boxing |
1991 |
0.70 |
supported |
Twilight 2000 |
1992 |
0.63 |
supported |
Twilight Treasure |
1989 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Twilight Zone |
1988 |
0.74-3 |
supported |
Twilight's Ransom |
1988 |
0.63 |
supported |
Typhoon of Steel |
1991 |
0.63 |
supported |
Tyrian |
1995 |
0.72 |
supported |
Tyrian 2000 |
1999 |
0.74-3 |
supported |