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Game details
Ultima Underworld - Origin Systems Inc (1992) Tested By: a tobe of hades
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.74-3 (runnable)
Note: (2013-04-23 02:09)
a tobe of hades
game will freeze a few minutes into playing, whether during character creation or gameplay it will get to a certain point and freeze do not know a fix for this. Have tried changing cpu type to 386, 386_prefetch and various cycles to no avail. It freezes about 5 minutes into loading. I have used Xcopy via the windows xp command prompt to install it. I believe it is the soundblaster pro driver but it never happened before yet I always used soundblaster pro and now it happens every time I run the game. Have tried uninstalling and reinstalling via xcopy no avail.