Latest version: 0.74-3

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Game details
Stargunner - Apogee (1996)
Tested By: stdorsch

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.74-3 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.70 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.65 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.63 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
70% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.61 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
30% (playable)
  DOSBox version: 0.60 (playable)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
0% supported
  DOSBox version: 0.58 (broken)

it doesn't work (2012-06-04 13:20) nomyle
I tried to play this game on 0.74. It bumps all the time. The cinematics are broken and I can't play because it's too fast. Plz help.
almost perfect with 0.72 (2009-01-09 10:11) TJHooker
I set core=normal cycles=auto and refresh rate disabled ingame and it works perfectly even the cinematics more or less. Only the Star Wars style flying letters are slow. But I don't know if it is even dosboxes fault but it freezes at the stage 6 boss in aquatic mission, the processor usage is 100% and it doesn't respond.
Works, but cinematics broken (2008-02-19 04:46) Shockwav3
Set cycles to max and test the refresh rate to disabled inside the game. It will work fine but the cinematics will jitter/run too fast.
Re: Too Fast to be Playable in 0.70 (2007-07-29 17:11) Jonah
OK, I found a workaround:
In the [CPU] section of dosbox.conf, change
Too Fast to be Playable in 0.70 (2007-07-29 16:29) Jonah
Game runs way to fast in 0.70, even with CPU cycles turned down to 500, on an Athlon 2900+ running Windows 2000. Works fine in 0.65 on the same system.
Runs too fast (2007-05-03 03:07) HappyGamer
DosBox: 0.70 Mac UB

Games runs too fast, even dropping down cycles won't work.
Works great (2005-01-30 12:08) Iori Branford
Runs like a dream on my 2GHz at 30000 cycles. I just have to turn Refresh Rate to Disabled in the game options for optimal smoothness.
0.61 (2004-02-05 04:58) Qbix
saving problems of 0.60 have been solved.
Sound seems to work fine as well!
0.61 (2004-02-05 04:57) Qbix
saving problems of 0.60 have been solved.
Sound seems to work fine as well!
Speed... (2003-11-05 12:31) Jurgen
I'm running the game at +- 5000 cycles, it's very smooth.(at 320x240 non-VESA resolution though, system is AMD Athlon 1300, Dosbox built against libSDL 1.2.6)
Note: (2003-10-31 14:14) stdorsch
Game works with 0.60 now !! :o)

In fullscreen mode it runs very slow, in windowed mode very very slow (on my 3GHz P4 machine). VESA emulation seems to work... but quite slow...

I have NO SOUND in the game although the sound works in the setup program. Setup autodetects a soundblaster card and plays the test music properly.

Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: Games broken: Games runnable: Games playable: Games supported:
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1256) 16 (1.27%) 34 (2.71%) 48 (3.82%) 1158 (92.20%)
DOSBox 0.73 (644) 16 (2.48%) 23 (3.57%) 17 (2.64%) 588 (91.30%)
DOSBox 0.72 (722) 45 (6.23%) 24 (3.32%) 31 (4.29%) 622 (86.15%)
DOSBox 0.71 (164) 29 (17.68%) 12 (7.32%) 8 (4.88%) 115 (70.12%)
DOSBox 0.70 (952) 23 (2.42%) 17 (1.79%) 29 (3.05%) 883 (92.75%)
DOSBox 0.65 (727) 39 (5.36%) 30 (4.13%) 41 (5.64%) 617 (84.87%)
DOSBox 0.63 (918) 76 (8.28%) 45 (4.90%) 46 (5.01%) 751 (81.81%)
DOSBox 0.62 (395) 56 (14.18%) 24 (6.08%) 27 (6.84%) 288 (72.91%)
DOSBox 0.61 (998) 87 (8.72%) 59 (5.91%) 68 (6.81%) 784 (78.56%)
DOSBox 0.60 (774) 108 (13.95%) 73 (9.43%) 72 (9.30%) 521 (67.31%)
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) 266 (23.15%) 15 (1.31%) 20 (1.74%) 848 (73.80%)

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