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Game details
Wing Commander 1 - Origin (1990) Tested By: Harekiet
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.70 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.65 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.63 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.60 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.58 (supported)
How config Dos-Box to WC (2009-11-30 14:34) |
This site should help you to config Dos-Box correctly to Wing Commander an Secret Ops.
http://www.wcnews.com/techsupport.shtml#wc1 |
Help??? (2009-06-27 16:46) |
Call me a n00b or whatever you choose, but I can't get the game to display properly. Installs fine, launches fine, sounds fine, but the resolution is wayyyy off. Can't make out anything.
Can anyone walk me through things? |
Sluggish at times on 0.72 (2008-03-07 01:15) |
I remember beating the game a few years ago, with a previous version of DOSBox. However, now that I'm using 0.72, the mouse feels very sluggish (as if it had a very low sensitivity) when moving around the Tiger's Claw, and the game -looks- sluggish whenever I'm not flying nor talking to people.
I ran the game at 3000 cycles, and the non-sluggish parts run fine (Wing Commander CIC recommends 3500 cycles). At 15000 cycles, the game runs extremely fast at those points, but oddly enough, the sluggish parts remain just as sluggish.
Any ideas as to what might be causing this? I've a dual-core processor. Might that be the reason? Just wildly guessing here. :/ |
Def check out the WC CIC (2007-09-07 12:31) |
Echoing ChrisReid above, pop over to the Wing Commander CIC website (www.wcnews.com). There's an exhaustive collection of game guides and (on the web forum) at least one thread which provides excellent information on how to get Wing Commander games running in dosBOX! :-) |
Lingering Joystick Issues? (2005-06-27 03:12) |
For those still experiencing joystick issues, the game did receive a joystick patch back in the day.
http://www.wcnews.com/files.shtml#wc |
wing commander 1 and joystick (2004-12-12 02:44) |
I am running 0.63 and wing commander runs without the joystic, but oddly, the joystick position determines it's run speed when enabled. The closer the joystick is to 0,0 (upper left) the closer it gets to real time. By the time the joystick is centred, the game has all but completely halted.
Should I try an older version maybe? |
Runs perfectly (2004-07-18 20:27) |
Wing Commander worked nearly perfectly for me with DosBox 0.59 (picture flickered a little. Joystick worked), and in 0.60 and 0.61 it runs perfectly. I have played through the whole game and secret missions 1 & 2 in DosBox without any bugs. |
WC Crash (2004-05-31 17:59) |
Can anyone help? I crash just as I leave the Carrier for the 1st mission...why and can it be fixed e-mail ticy@cfl.rr.com |
Installation (2004-04-06 15:58) |
DOSBOX stall during inflating the file TALKING.VGA, why?
How can I play with it? |
Wing Commander and DosBox 0.60 (2003-11-09 21:28) |
The game runs just fine with Joystick enabled, now. |
Note: (2003-03-31 04:05) |
Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: |
Games broken: |
Games runnable: |
Games playable: |
Games supported: |
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1258) |
16 (1.27%) |
34 (2.70%) |
48 (3.82%) |
1160 (92.21%) |
DOSBox 0.73 (644) |
16 (2.48%) |
23 (3.57%) |
17 (2.64%) |
588 (91.30%) |
DOSBox 0.72 (722) |
45 (6.23%) |
24 (3.32%) |
31 (4.29%) |
622 (86.15%) |
DOSBox 0.71 (164) |
29 (17.68%) |
12 (7.32%) |
8 (4.88%) |
115 (70.12%) |
DOSBox 0.70 (952) |
23 (2.42%) |
17 (1.79%) |
29 (3.05%) |
883 (92.75%) |
DOSBox 0.65 (727) |
39 (5.36%) |
30 (4.13%) |
41 (5.64%) |
617 (84.87%) |
DOSBox 0.63 (918) |
76 (8.28%) |
45 (4.90%) |
46 (5.01%) |
751 (81.81%) |
DOSBox 0.62 (395) |
56 (14.18%) |
24 (6.08%) |
27 (6.84%) |
288 (72.91%) |
DOSBox 0.61 (998) |
87 (8.72%) |
59 (5.91%) |
68 (6.81%) |
784 (78.56%) |
DOSBox 0.60 (774) |
108 (13.95%) |
73 (9.43%) |
72 (9.30%) |
521 (67.31%) |
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) |
266 (23.15%) |
15 (1.31%) |
20 (1.74%) |
848 (73.80%) |