Latest version: 0.74-3

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Game details
MDK - Shiny (1995)
Tested By: zich

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.73 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
98% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.72 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
95% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.70 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
80% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.65 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
1% (runnable)
  DOSBox version: 0.61 (runnable)

Dont forget the slashes! (2012-06-03 15:03) KoalaBear
In my previous post the slashes are gone after posting.

So dont forget to add slashes after C, Shiny and MDK!
Get it working! :) (2012-06-03 15:01) KoalaBear
You can install the game in dosbox with the following procedure:

1. Use install.exe to install the game (to default path C:ShinyMDK)
2. Use the following commands to start MDK
mount d .ShinyMDK -t cdrom -label MDK
cd MDK
3. This way MDK see the CD-ROM with the label MDK and works

This mount command will mount the files, emulate it as a CD-ROM drive, and gives it the label MDK. MDK checks this label! But this way it works!

Happy playing!
DOS Version (2008-05-28 02:13) Pietry
game Works well;
but the date release game is 1997
and sometimes when you paused game crash it; dont works cheats =(

however game exist win32 version in cd, compatible with windows 9x/ME/2K/XP =)
DOS Version (2008-05-28 01:33) Pietry
game Works well;
but the date release game is 1997
and sometimes when you paused game crash it; dont works cheats =(

however game exist win32 version in cd, compatible with windows 9x/ME/2K/XP =)
Very playable (2007-01-08 17:13) Shiar
Also playable on AthlonXP 2600+, with dynamic core (otherwise it's too slow to even start). Benchmark score of 68 using CVS (up from 38 in v0.65).

It's just ugly and very blocky compared to the Glide version I played long ago, but that's probably out of dosbox's scope.
Latest CVS: 75000 cycles, dynamic mode, dos32a (2006-02-04 13:32) red_avatar
Game runs very well - a little slow in busy areas, but well playable. No sound bugs, no other probems! Great! Seeing how well DOSBOX can handle late DOS games is so great.
Can get playable score in test (2005-06-25 11:19) JosephSco
Using 100k cycles on an AthlonXP 3400+ produces a score of 80 on the MDK test program which should mean its playable. Can't get it to mount C: properly though!
Argh! (2004-02-10 16:38) zich
Okay so NOW I have my cd drive properly mounted... MDK still doesn't work. It goes through a "checking" process, then after about a minute comes up with: "Sorry, this machine is a 486 or unknown processor with insufficient performance for adequate gameplay with MDK". Bugger!
Note: (2004-02-10 16:25) zich
DOS version installs, stops when trying to run MDK afterwards: "NO CD DRIVE FOUND".

Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: Games broken: Games runnable: Games playable: Games supported:
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1258) 16 (1.27%) 34 (2.70%) 48 (3.82%) 1160 (92.21%)
DOSBox 0.73 (644) 16 (2.48%) 23 (3.57%) 17 (2.64%) 588 (91.30%)
DOSBox 0.72 (722) 45 (6.23%) 24 (3.32%) 31 (4.29%) 622 (86.15%)
DOSBox 0.71 (164) 29 (17.68%) 12 (7.32%) 8 (4.88%) 115 (70.12%)
DOSBox 0.70 (952) 23 (2.42%) 17 (1.79%) 29 (3.05%) 883 (92.75%)
DOSBox 0.65 (727) 39 (5.36%) 30 (4.13%) 41 (5.64%) 617 (84.87%)
DOSBox 0.63 (918) 76 (8.28%) 45 (4.90%) 46 (5.01%) 751 (81.81%)
DOSBox 0.62 (395) 56 (14.18%) 24 (6.08%) 27 (6.84%) 288 (72.91%)
DOSBox 0.61 (998) 87 (8.72%) 59 (5.91%) 68 (6.81%) 784 (78.56%)
DOSBox 0.60 (774) 108 (13.95%) 73 (9.43%) 72 (9.30%) 521 (67.31%)
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) 266 (23.15%) 15 (1.31%) 20 (1.74%) 848 (73.80%)

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