Latest version: 0.74-3

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Game details
Gender Wars - SCI (1996)
Tested By: Daedolon

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
90% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.71 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
63% (playable)
  DOSBox version: 0.65 (playable)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
63% (playable)
  DOSBox version: 0.63 (playable)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
28% (runnable)
  DOSBox version: 0.61 (runnable)

Update (2007-08-18 13:07) SeuLunga
Window stutters a bit when moving, but plays fine.
Update (2006-08-10 18:40) aussiebear
The performance issue can be resolved by getting a faster system.

You need a Sempron 2800+ (1.6Ghz, K8-based or equivalent performing) system as the minimum. I've tested it under both Windows 2000 and Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Linux.

As well, you need to adjust the "CPU cycles" to approximately 14,000 to 15,000...Any faster, and the screen starts to stutter when you move around during gameplay.

Other than that, the game is playable like it was in a pure DOS system.
Slow performance still (2006-08-04 01:18) aussiebear
Using ver 0.65 of DOSBox. Like over 2 yrs ago, its slow performance is still an issue...But what's causing it???
Note: (2004-02-24 04:12) Daedolon
Game runs awfully slow and there's some graphical errors in the cutscenes.

Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: Games broken: Games runnable: Games playable: Games supported:
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1258) 16 (1.27%) 34 (2.70%) 48 (3.82%) 1160 (92.21%)
DOSBox 0.73 (644) 16 (2.48%) 23 (3.57%) 17 (2.64%) 588 (91.30%)
DOSBox 0.72 (722) 45 (6.23%) 24 (3.32%) 31 (4.29%) 622 (86.15%)
DOSBox 0.71 (164) 29 (17.68%) 12 (7.32%) 8 (4.88%) 115 (70.12%)
DOSBox 0.70 (952) 23 (2.42%) 17 (1.79%) 29 (3.05%) 883 (92.75%)
DOSBox 0.65 (727) 39 (5.36%) 30 (4.13%) 41 (5.64%) 617 (84.87%)
DOSBox 0.63 (918) 76 (8.28%) 45 (4.90%) 46 (5.01%) 751 (81.81%)
DOSBox 0.62 (395) 56 (14.18%) 24 (6.08%) 27 (6.84%) 288 (72.91%)
DOSBox 0.61 (998) 87 (8.72%) 59 (5.91%) 68 (6.81%) 784 (78.56%)
DOSBox 0.60 (774) 108 (13.95%) 73 (9.43%) 72 (9.30%) 521 (67.31%)
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) 266 (23.15%) 15 (1.31%) 20 (1.74%) 848 (73.80%)

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