Latest version: 0.74-3

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Game details
Leisure Suit Larry 1 VGA Remake - Sierra (1991)
Tested By: 459

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.74-3 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.73 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.72 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.70 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.65 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
99% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.63 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
80% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.58 (supported)

Not too much cycles! (2008-05-07 11:11) XAVeRY
I found out that if you run the game when DOSBox is set to ~8000 cycles or more, it doesn't want to run - it gives "Unable to initialize your music hardware", and then DOSBox just ends. The solution is to start the game with a low number of cycles (I set it to 6000 and it was fine), and raise it once you're in the game.
script-freeze with DB 0.63 (2005-08-14 18:45) tareon
when giving the whiskey to the drunk in Lefty's Bar, the dialog freezes... I can only restart, restore and quit from that point. The same happens when I give the wine to the beggar in front of the store... I tried different cpu settings... no change. It runs fine with VDM-Sound but I would prefer to run it with DB (works generally smoother).
0.61 (2004-05-04 08:31) atd
It's definitly playable, but there's some annyoing slowdown at times. Most noteably is the Casino, and it starts bogging down as soon as there's alot going on in the screen. The speed issue is probably something that's to be expected though, at this stage in development. Otherwise it works excellent from start to finish.

Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: Games broken: Games runnable: Games playable: Games supported:
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1258) 16 (1.27%) 34 (2.70%) 48 (3.82%) 1160 (92.21%)
DOSBox 0.73 (644) 16 (2.48%) 23 (3.57%) 17 (2.64%) 588 (91.30%)
DOSBox 0.72 (722) 45 (6.23%) 24 (3.32%) 31 (4.29%) 622 (86.15%)
DOSBox 0.71 (164) 29 (17.68%) 12 (7.32%) 8 (4.88%) 115 (70.12%)
DOSBox 0.70 (952) 23 (2.42%) 17 (1.79%) 29 (3.05%) 883 (92.75%)
DOSBox 0.65 (727) 39 (5.36%) 30 (4.13%) 41 (5.64%) 617 (84.87%)
DOSBox 0.63 (918) 76 (8.28%) 45 (4.90%) 46 (5.01%) 751 (81.81%)
DOSBox 0.62 (395) 56 (14.18%) 24 (6.08%) 27 (6.84%) 288 (72.91%)
DOSBox 0.61 (998) 87 (8.72%) 59 (5.91%) 68 (6.81%) 784 (78.56%)
DOSBox 0.60 (774) 108 (13.95%) 73 (9.43%) 72 (9.30%) 521 (67.31%)
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) 266 (23.15%) 15 (1.31%) 20 (1.74%) 848 (73.80%)

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