Latest version: 0.74-3

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Game details
Lands of Lore: Throne of Chaos - Westwood/Virgin (1993)
Tested By: Finster

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.74-3 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.73 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.72 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.70 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
100% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.65 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
90% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.63 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
90% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.62 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
90% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.61 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
90% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.60 (supported)

runnable  -  playable  -  supported
90% (supported)
  DOSBox version: 0.58 (supported)

Nice game - Playable if you know how to use a Hex-Editor (2016-03-24 16:21) ge2001
I confirm the other posts!

You can also extract WESTWOOD.001 from the bin/cue image file, then open the file with a Hex-Editor, search for the Bytes, change it and save the file.
Now copy the edited WESTWOOD.001 back to the image file and write the changed image to your harddisk. I use UltraIso Premium for that task, be sure Hybrid Mode is enabled.
If you perform new installations you must not edit MAIN.EXE again and again... :-)

Mount the image file as a virtual CD-ROM drive in D-Fend/DOSBox before you start the game.

Test period: 15 Minutes/20 Minutes working time
Win 7-64 Home Premium
Intel i5 M430, 4GB RAM
AMD Mobility RADEON HD 5000 Series (5650)
D-Fend and DOSBox 0.74
??? (2014-02-10 08:55) ultima11
How to load
0.74 works also with v1.05 but a file needs a fix (2010-10-04 16:45) hexaae
0.74 does work also with version 1.05 of the game (it's better to upgrade to 1.23 anyway, as suggested by xaxio) but you have to manually hex-edit MAIN.EXE:
Open main.exe using hex-editor. Find the symbols (in hex-code)
C3 74 13 66 B8 01
and replace them with
C3 EB 13 66 B8 01
Found here:
DosBox 0.74 (2010-05-18 10:05) fR0z3nS0u1
Works like a charm with game version 1.23
Release game version (1.05 or what) does NOT work.
0.73 only works with patch 1.23 (2009-10-14 22:17) xaxio
0.72 works without the 1.23 patch to the floppy/diskette version of the game. Running 1.05 is fine here.

0.73 only works with the 1.23 patch to the game. You can find the patch here:
0.73 works fine for me (2009-09-07 21:59) gateKeeper
Not sure what OS Loigan is using, but this game works perfectly with ver 0.73 under Windows XP SP3. The only setting I changed was cycles to 15000 to speed up game/transition loading.


No support in 0.73 (2009-09-07 04:30) Loigan
If you try using 0.73, the game will crash right after the character selection screen. Use version 0.72 to play this game.
v0.62 Works Perfectly (2004-09-30 11:27) teshia
Using a P4-2800 with 512 MB RAM I'm using the following .conf settings: machine=svga, cycles=15000, sblaster=true, xms=true, ems=false. I'm using the floppy version and I have no idea what version it is, but I'm not using any patches and it works fine. No stuttering at all - very fluid.
DosBox 0.60 (2003-10-25 09:35) Xerxes
You will need patch 1.23.

Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: Games broken: Games runnable: Games playable: Games supported:
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1258) 16 (1.27%) 34 (2.70%) 48 (3.82%) 1160 (92.21%)
DOSBox 0.73 (644) 16 (2.48%) 23 (3.57%) 17 (2.64%) 588 (91.30%)
DOSBox 0.72 (722) 45 (6.23%) 24 (3.32%) 31 (4.29%) 622 (86.15%)
DOSBox 0.71 (164) 29 (17.68%) 12 (7.32%) 8 (4.88%) 115 (70.12%)
DOSBox 0.70 (952) 23 (2.42%) 17 (1.79%) 29 (3.05%) 883 (92.75%)
DOSBox 0.65 (727) 39 (5.36%) 30 (4.13%) 41 (5.64%) 617 (84.87%)
DOSBox 0.63 (918) 76 (8.28%) 45 (4.90%) 46 (5.01%) 751 (81.81%)
DOSBox 0.62 (395) 56 (14.18%) 24 (6.08%) 27 (6.84%) 288 (72.91%)
DOSBox 0.61 (998) 87 (8.72%) 59 (5.91%) 68 (6.81%) 784 (78.56%)
DOSBox 0.60 (774) 108 (13.95%) 73 (9.43%) 72 (9.30%) 521 (67.31%)
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) 266 (23.15%) 15 (1.31%) 20 (1.74%) 848 (73.80%)

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