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Game details
Buzz Aldrin's Race Into Space - Interplay (1993) Tested By: petq
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.72 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.61 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.60 (supported)
runnable - playable - supported
DOSBox version: 0.58 (supported)
0.72 (2007-12-02 14:14) |
Kyosuke Aoki
Perfectly fine except the blackout transition is rather slow, and there are some very minor pauses during certain areas. |
BARIS CD Missing GAMEDAT files (2007-03-24 18:15) |
I tried Nicodevil solution but used MICROSOFT VIRTUAL PC 2007 with a virtual Windows 98SE. I installed BARIS CD there and retrieved those 6 files.
After that I copied those files to the BARIS\GAMEDAT directory on my WINDOWS XP. Finally I tried the game on DOSBOX. Guess what, now I can play the game with those mission videos working like a charm. |
Videos are working fine now (2005-03-02 02:30) |
I had the same problem. There were no mission videos just some fuzzy pictures. Choose another CDROM Emulation level by typing "intro cdrom" maybe that will help? |
cant Inst (2005-01-18 09:45) |
in XP it just don't start with install.exe (i klick but window closes without errormessage) and in DOSBox it says i have no CD-Rom although i mounted the drive :( |
Works ALMOST fine... (2005-01-07 18:57) |
As mentioned by go4tli, newscasts play fine, missions crash with sound on. I cannot get missions to play even in the still picture mode, with digital sound on. I have to turn the digital sound off (MIDI still works) and then it works.
And I do not think I could run a Dos 6.22 boot disk : DOS does not like NTFS.
But man, I miss those pretty movies. :( |
Version 0.63, WinXP, and EMS (2004-11-23 05:39) |
Sorry, Nicodevil, no joy. Newscast animations play fine in 0.63, mission animations don't. I followed your instructions for installing BARIS under WinXP; attempts to run it now complain about insufficient EMS. (Is there a memory manager in WinXP I can get to?) If animations don't matter to you, though, the game is still playable. |
works fine (2004-05-26 13:43) |
The game works perfectly well for me. I don't have sound enabled but it apears in working order. |
At last really playable on XP (CD version) (2004-05-01 09:35) |
if you cannot install the game it's because you don't have any FAT hard drive...
no movies and other bug ? the problem is related to some missing files in the gamedat folder (missing FRM files, missing KEY files and 4 files without extension...), these 6 files are created during install (so there is no way to find them on the CD, that's why it doesn't works...)
boot your computer using a DOS 6.22 Bootdisk with CDROM support, install a ramdrive using XMSDSK (set it to 10 Mo, it's enough), install the game and copy the 6 following files in the floppy drive (there are less than 50 ko all together) :
do a "dir /s > a:\list.txt" in the baris folder, in order to create a list of all the files
then reboot, create the different folder according to the list.txt files and copy the 6 files to the gamedat folder and the others files according to the list.txt, launch setup and then play it !!!!!!
Fully playable on WinXP (2004-04-13 05:21) |
Tested from versions 0.50 and older, Buzz Aldrin's doesn't work fine ... but now, with the new version of DosBox, it's fully playable ! Just some wav sound are slow...
Thanks DosBox !! |
CD version playable on WinXP (2004-03-02 11:36) |
Installed from version 0.60 executable. Frame rate a trifle slow, and movies work only occasionally. Game still perfectly playable, though. Too many cycles causes graphics crash. |
Playable on x86 Linux with 0.60 (2003-11-04 18:59) |
Did not run on Mandrake 9.1 with 0.58 built from source. D'oh!
Playable using 0.60 built from source on same machine. Woohoo! |
Compatibility statistics (3930 games in database)
Version: |
Games broken: |
Games runnable: |
Games playable: |
Games supported: |
DOSBox 0.74-3 (1258) |
16 (1.27%) |
34 (2.70%) |
48 (3.82%) |
1160 (92.21%) |
DOSBox 0.73 (644) |
16 (2.48%) |
23 (3.57%) |
17 (2.64%) |
588 (91.30%) |
DOSBox 0.72 (722) |
45 (6.23%) |
24 (3.32%) |
31 (4.29%) |
622 (86.15%) |
DOSBox 0.71 (164) |
29 (17.68%) |
12 (7.32%) |
8 (4.88%) |
115 (70.12%) |
DOSBox 0.70 (952) |
23 (2.42%) |
17 (1.79%) |
29 (3.05%) |
883 (92.75%) |
DOSBox 0.65 (727) |
39 (5.36%) |
30 (4.13%) |
41 (5.64%) |
617 (84.87%) |
DOSBox 0.63 (918) |
76 (8.28%) |
45 (4.90%) |
46 (5.01%) |
751 (81.81%) |
DOSBox 0.62 (395) |
56 (14.18%) |
24 (6.08%) |
27 (6.84%) |
288 (72.91%) |
DOSBox 0.61 (998) |
87 (8.72%) |
59 (5.91%) |
68 (6.81%) |
784 (78.56%) |
DOSBox 0.60 (774) |
108 (13.95%) |
73 (9.43%) |
72 (9.30%) |
521 (67.31%) |
DOSBox 0.58 (1149) |
266 (23.15%) |
15 (1.31%) |
20 (1.74%) |
848 (73.80%) |