GAMES:Duke Nukem 3D

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Duke Nukem 3D
GAME Duke Nukem 3D Title.png
Title Screen
Developer 3D Realms
Publisher GT Interactive
Released 1996
Status Supported
Tested on 0.74
Tested game version Unknown
Links Compatibility List
Setup N/A
DOS Extender
DOS4GW.EXE Unknown
Works with DOS32A N/A

Duke Nukem 3D is a first-person shooter video game.

Making it work

If you require support for general issues, see the performance guide and FAQ.

Duke Nukem 3D is open source, and some modern ports exist. Eduke32 is the most advanced, and it may be preferable to emulating the DOS version.


  • 7 April 2008 by Anonymous:
Runs with sound and high resolution!

External links