GAMES:Dungeon Keeper

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Dungeon Keeper
Developer Bullfrog Productions
Publisher Electronic Arts
Released 07/1997
Tested on
Tested game version Unknown
Links Compatibility List
Executable KEEPER.EXE
DOS Extender
Works with DOS32A N/A

Dungeon Keeper is a strategy video game released for the PC in which the player attempts to build and manage a dungeon or lair while protecting it from (computer-controlled) 'hero' characters intent on stealing the user's accumulated treasures and killing various monsters.

Making it work

If you require support for general issues, see the performance guide and FAQ.


This game has been tested on the environments listed below:

  • 23 June 2008 by Anonymous:
Dungeon Keeper works perfectly fine (including intro video and sound)
Tested with the German version, DOSBox 0.72 and openSUSE 11.0
  • 30 May 2010 by NaSH:
Tested on Ubuntu 10.04, with DOSBox 0.74 compiled from source (make & checkinstall)

External links