GAMES:Terminator: Future Shock

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The Terminator: Future Shock
Developer Bethesda Softworks
Publisher Bethesda Softworks
Released 1995
Status Supported
Tested on 0.73
Tested game version Unknown
Links Compatibility List
Executable Unknown
Installer N/A
Setup N/A
DOS Extender
DOS4GW.EXE Unknown
Works with DOS32A N/A

The Terminator: Future Shock is a first-person shooter computer game.

Making it work

You can copy the CD-ROM contents to a folder on your HDD and then mount the folder as a CD-ROM.

If you require support for general issues, see the performance guide and FAQ.


  • 12 January 2010 by Anonymous:
Terminator: Future Shock (the original DOS version) from Bethesda works for me with DosBOX 0.73.

External links