GAMES:Wing Commander

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Wing Commander
Developer Unknown
Publisher Origin Systems
Released 1990
Status Unknown
Tested on 0.70
Tested game version Unknown
Links Compatibility List
Executable Unknown
Installer N/A
Setup N/A
DOS Extender
DOS4GW.EXE Unknown
Works with DOS32A N/A

The Kilrathi Saga

Origin's Wing Commander: The Kilrathi Saga includes an enhanced version of Wing Commander that does not need DOSBox. It does have issues on modern systems, which can be fixed by applying Mincemeat's Wing Commander Superpatch.

Making it work

A detailed article on how to make the DOS version of Wing Commander I work inside DOSBox can be found at Joseph Baxter's Fourth Law website. If you are using Vista or later follow Mr. Baxter's instruction and then also set 'output=ddraw' to fix the color inversion problem.

If you require support for general issues, see the performance guide and FAQ.

External links